Feb 6th, 2016, 03:52 PM

A Joyful Fury: Walter Van Beirendonck AW16


Anna Wintour famously remarked, "Fashion reflects the times just as much as a headline in a newspaper does." Walter Van Beirendonck's Autumn/Winter 2016 collection was a prime example of fashion reflecting the times we live in: a tumultuous dichotomy between joy and fury. 

Feb 1st, 2016, 10:45 AM

Outerknown: Kelly Slater's Sustainable Enterprise


On the coastal fringes of countries around the world there exists a subculture whose core values are embedded in local pride and group identity as practitioners of a specific lifestyle. These people call themselves Surfers, and their so-called High Priest is 43-year-old World Surf League Champion Kelly Slater, who hails from Florida.

Dec 9th, 2015, 12:45 PM

The best of both worlds

Dec 9th, 2015, 12:44 PM

Fear no more #noussommesenterasse

Dec 3rd, 2015, 01:03 PM

17 Ways You Know It’s Officially the Holidays


1. Netflix

Netflix is always chill. Their strategic placement of childhood, holiday classics consumes approximately three and half days of your month of December and reminds you how you loved Josh Hutcherson long before Peeta and District 12 were even a thing. #IHearTheBell

Dec 2nd, 2015, 11:53 AM

Battle of the Stereotypes: USA vs. France


Stereotypes are nothing more than efficient labels. We use them to classify, to simplify, and to save time. However, while certain stereotypes may hold some truth, more often than not these prejudgments oversimplify. After moving to a new country, it's especially important to approach a new culture with an open mind in order to be able to fully embrace the lifestyle. The best way to rid yourself of a limiting mindset is to identify any stereotypes you may hold in the first place.

Nov 22nd, 2015, 08:35 PM

Did the World Ignore Beirut, or Did You?


Here’s how you can decide how one tragedy is more important than another – oh wait, that’s right – you can’t.

Following the tragic attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 social media networks blew up in outrage. But the outrage wasn’t solely based upon the fact that Paris had experienced a terror attack that had been the deadliest attack on the country since World War II, part of the outrage had to do with why a suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon did not get as much media coverage as the attack in France.

Nov 22nd, 2015, 06:29 PM

Staring Into A Man's Sole


In college, one of my friend's male roommates, who has been single for years despite being attractive, intelligent, and kind, had a pair of black leather boots. I'm talking the type that have a small heel, cut off at the ankle, and curl slightly upwards at the toes, creating a deeply unsettling Spongebob Squarepants/Lord Licorice from Candy Land hybrid.

Nov 22nd, 2015, 05:26 PM

"Gentle" Drake Sparks Online Parodies


When Drake’s "Hotline Bling" music video dropped on Oct. 19, the Internet exploded. For anyone who may have been on a two-week hiatus from all social media platforms last month, you can view the video, released on Apple Music exclusively, here. The minimalism and Drake’s cheesy dance moves create an inevitable platform for parody -- and the Internet’s masses did not disappoint.

Nov 20th, 2015, 11:52 AM

Tourist Attractions Come at High Cost for Animals


Researchers at the University of Oxford's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit conducted the first major study of wildlife tourism around the world and found that millions of people who visit wildlife attractions each year during their vacations or school breaks don't seem to realize that the places they are visiting have terrible effects on animals.
