Superfoods You Need Now
What is a superfood?

We are lucky to live in a time when there a limitless supply of food and knowledge. Yet, since 1980, worldwide obesity has more than doubled. In a world inundated with fast food and junk food, superfoods are going to be your new best friend on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

What is superfood exactly? "Superfood" is a term that appeared a few years ago to describe food that provides huge nutrient powerhouses that pack large amounts of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Their benefits include reducing the risk of chronic disease and prolonging life. Besides, people who eat more superfoods are consider healthier and thinner than those who don't.

Here are several foods that are considered super, since they offer considerable health benefits that will enhance your digestion, energy, and complexion. So let's get right into it! 

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are better known as a great source of healthy omega-3 fats and fibre, and fortunately it's an easy food to add to your diet. There are countless benefits to it: Combatting diabetes, strengthening teeth and bones, fighting belly fat, and getting full faster. You can add them in almost everything including salads, toast and smoothies.

Image credit: Flickr / Stacy Spensley

Goji Berries

Goji Berries are the most nutritionally dense fruit on Earth, they will give you a feeling of well being and calmness, better athletic performance, help you lose weight and have a better and quality of sleep.

Image credit: Flickr/ Miheco


Açaí berries are very low in sugar, but contain excellent amounts of iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamin A. They also defend the body against harmful free radicals. 

Image credit: Flickr/ Eli Duke


Blueberry is the king of antioxidant fruit. They protect us against aging and diseases like cancer.

Image credit: Flickr/ Rsseattle


Kale is one of the healthiest and most nutritious plant foods in existence. Its among the world’s best sources of Vitamin C.

Image credit: Flickr/ Nick Saltmarsh


Spirulina contains nutrients that can have powerful effects on your body and brain. Some evidence suggests that spirulina can also have anti-cancer and anti-anemia properties.

Image credit: Flickr/ Gaurav Mishra


Avocado has become super popular due to its various health benefits. They contain 20 different vitamins and minerals that are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

Image credit: Flickr/ Jaanus Silla

Brown Rice

While white rice is already transformed in the refining process, brown rice still has the side hull and bran that provide natural wholeness rich in proteins and magnesium.

Image credit: Flickr/ Rob & Dani

Greek Yogurt

Protein are essential for a good health. The good news is Greek Yogurt is packed with probiotics that keep you healthy. They are great for your digestion, and the calicum they provide is a necessity to keep fit.

Image credit: Flickr/ Thomas Strosse

Green Tea

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet, except water of course! It has really powerful effects on your body such as improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other incredible benefits. It is also a wonderful fat burner and it increases physical performance. 

Image credit: Flickr/ Thangaraj Kumaravel

Now you have all the keys to be healthy and happy! Remember that your body is a temple not a trash can. 

Written by Lucille Befort

Lucille Befort is a student at The American University of Paris, and a writer for Peacock Plume.