The 5 Day Detox Diet

Image Credit: Milen’s Health
The first day is always the hardest.

Today, being healthy is more important than ever. Cleanses are therefore very important for flushing out your system and resetting your digestive track. There are many ways of doing this but forget about those slim teas and food supplements and commit yourself to this 5 days cleanse,  known as a "detox diet."  How does it work? Over the course of this 5 days regime, you eat and/or drink a specific meal. Thankfully, portions are unlimited but not exactly binge worthy.  Here's the breakdown in more detail:

Day 1 – Water

One the first day, you drink salted water for 24 hours. Put a pinch of salt in each water glass or in a bottle of water. You can drink as much water as you want. I know it seems impossible but it is the hardest day of the diet. Drinking salted water will cleanse your body waste, release toxins, and improve digestion. In order words, it will cleanse your digestive system.

Image Credit: Healthy Girls Love

Day 2 – Rice

On day two, you eat bowls of white rice, mixed with a bit of butter if you like. It is recommended you drink water regularly during the day. The satisfaction after your first bowl of rice will make you realize how filling it can be. Eating rice will provide you immediate energy, improve your blood movement, and provide you with B1 vitamins.

Image Credit: Hungry Sofia

Day 3 – Chicken Broth

For this day's diet, make chicken broth. You can prepare a large pot with chicken carcass, thighs, wings, carrots, leek, fennel or other vegetables that you have at hand. Make a big batch knowing you'll be able to have as much as you want throughout the day. You can't eat the chicken but you can eat the carrots and other vegetables from the broth. Continue to drink water all day long. Drinking this broth will help you get your taste back as well. There are many benefits to drinking this soup, including immunity to boost fat, mineral v, and improve bone density.

Image Credit: Cheryl Shireman

Day 4 – Vegetable Soup

On the fourth day, make a vegetable soup. Try to make it very thick with many different vegetables and again, do not hesitate to make a lot, since you can have as much as you want. This potage recipe is great. As you know, vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. Vegetable soup has also been found to fight cell damage.

Image Credit: Cuisine AZ

Day 5 – Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

It is your last day and you can finally eat normally again! On this day, you can eat all the fruits, salads and vegetables as you want. The one thing you should avoid this day is oil, especially in salad dressing you may want to use on your salads. Instead,  season your salad with lemon, herbs or others healthy ingredient. Fruits and veggies are low in calories, provide fiber, and also reduce the risk of maladies such as cardiovascular diseases. As always, stay hydrated by drinking water!

Image Credit: Dr. Elaine

Depending on your body, you will lose around 3 kg from this detox but remember you will likely gain it back within 2 or 3 weeks as this is meant as a cleanse and not a diet. However, this regime will shrink your stomach, which naturally makes you eat less. Repeat this cleanse twice a year for optimal results. 

Written by Karen Leong

Born and raised in Madagascar, Karen has studied in London and in New York City before attending the American University of Paris. She is currently doing a MA in Global Communications and speaks French, English, and Malagasy. Karen loves traveling and discovering new cultures. With two of her high school friends, she founded a charity association called "Fitiavana", which mainly provides food and love to less fortunate Malagasy children and works directly with orphanages and hospitals.