AUP Makes A Splash with New Swim Club

Image credit: Unsplash/Arisa Chattasa
President of AUP’s new Swim Club, Emma Kelly, is welcoming newcomers this Spring.

Emma Kelly, an AUP sophomore, is introducing university students to the privilege of a new Swim Club. With experience in the sport through middle school and high school, Kelly decided to share her passion by creating this new club.

The AUP Swim Club welcomes swimmers of all levels, even those who never swam competitively before. “The biggest thing is consistency," said Kelly. According to the CDC, the low-impact exercise works the entire body in addition to the mind.

Image credit: Unsplash/ Gentrit Sylejmani


Kelly said she is lenient about the future schedule of practices and new members are welcome to advise time slots that are most applicable to students’ schedules.

The practices will conclude both exercises in the pool and conditioning on dry land. Dry land exercises are typically body weight exercises including core strengthening. 

AUP Swim Club will create a comfortable environment and everyone is welcome to join. Kelly believes that the pool will be a mental-health-friendly environment where students can feel comfortable exercising their skills. Swim Club will create an ambiance that students will feel excited to attend.

As for the location of practices, AUP is still looking for a pool that is compatible with the number of swimmers available and also is close to the school. The school will be using a public pool and swimmers will have to pay a minimal fee of about three euros upon entry.

While things are in the process of coming together, AUP community is looking forward to the addition of this club. 

Written by Emma Sacayan

Studying Comparative Literature at AUP.