Why You Should Go Zero Waste in 2019

Zero-waste food containers. Image Credit: Ella Olsson/Flickr
Making a conscious effort to be eco-friendly does more than just save the earth.

In an era where world leaders are choosing to neglect environmental obligations, it seems that climate change has fallen even further down the list of global urgent concerns. However, there has been a growing push from the public towards more environmentally sustainable practices. As a result, movements such as Zero Waste have become the latest among many environmental trends to sweep communities.

Zero Waste, the process of reusing, reducing and recycling products in order to have little to no trash has become the latest environmental trend. The goal every year is to end up with only a jarful of waste. The model for Zero Waste is from George H.W. Bush's Pollution Prevention Act, which sought to prevent and reduce pollution whenever possible so that the U.S. would spend less on controlling pollution. Now thanks to YouTube, Instagram, and bloggers, like Sedonia Christina and Kathryn Kellogg, who are dedicated to promoting a Zero Waste lifestyle, there's a spike in public interests in environmentally friendly practices.


Going Zero Waste is excellent for the environment. CNN states that on average, each person in the U.S. produces more than 1,600 pounds of garbage per year, or more than four pounds of waste each day.  After it is discarded, garbage creates dangerous emissions that pollute the planet. It is estimated that over 91 percent of plastic does not actually get recycled, but rather is taken to landfills where it finds its way to major seas and oceans. This is a huge danger to aquatic inhabitants such as fish and seals who regularly come into contact with these harmful products. Zero Waste seeks to put an end to these issues. With a conscious effort to produce as little trash as possible, plastic is less likely to clog up our landfills and end up in the sea harming and endangering species that live in the oceans.

Money is a helpful incentive to turn towards a Zero Waste lifestyle. A study in The Guardian found that 3.5 billion gets thrown away each year worldwide, and even the average household throws away 40 kg of food per year. This translates into almost a quarter to a half a thousand dollars wasted annually per person. Going Zero Waste means that you buy only what is necessary and you avoid the unnecessary splurging on food and other products. It can be as simple as buying one refillable water bottle instead of resorting to buying plastic water bottles every time you are thirsty. By doing this, you move towards becoming more eco-friendly while saving money without causing a significant change to your lifestyle. Reusing products translates directly into saving money, and your bank account will thank you later.

Often gone unmentioned is that living Zero Waste forces individuals to eat healthier. You are not allowed to purchase any food article that has wrappers, or material that needs to be thrown away. This forces you as a consumer to ditch the candy and cookies in favor of vegetables and fruits. With a reusable bag, you are able to take home fresh produce that is available at your local grocery store. The use of food delivery apps is also forbidden because of the plastic containers and paper bags used. You will notice a drastic impact on your health if you are reduced to having to rely on fruits and vegetables and home cooked meals.


Siapa disini yang suka dan pernah denger tentang food prep (preparation)? 🙋🏻 . Apa sih hubungan nya food prep dengan zero waste dan apa manfaatnya? . Ternyata meskipun banyak disekitar kita yang kekurangan makanan, berdasarkan data World Hunger and Poverty facts, there is enough food produced in the world to all human beings yang sayangnya hampir sepertiga nya terbuang gitu aja dan akhir nya berakhir di TPA. Hal ini menyebabkan salah satu sampah makanan terbesar ternyata berasal dari sampah rumah tangga :( . So this simple idea like planning strategy will actually minimasing food waste, protecting the environment, mempersingkat waktu memasak kita dan tentunya save our money! Maybe half of your budget for food! Kaya @atiit , yang selalu ga kehabisan ide untuk hidup yang lebih sustainable. Check her IG and blog for more ideas! . Buat yang belum ada planning weekend ini, mungkin bisa coba hobby baru yang bisa menghemat, belajar untuk hidup yang lebih terplanning dan tentu nya ramah lingkungan! . Ada yang tertarik memulai kebiasaan food prep? Share dan jangan lupa tag kita ya! 💚💚💚 . #foodprep #foodprepping #foodpreparation #foodprepsunday #saynotoplastic #zerowaste #zerowastehome #lessismore #scourer #ecoideas #zerowasteidfreejuly #giveaway #greengiveaway #zerowaste #lesswaste #livinglowimpact #zerowasteliving #zerowasteindo #zerowasteid #everythingzerowaste #zerowastelife #zerowasteswaps #zerowastejourney #minimalism #sustainable #dietplastik #nosingleplasticuse #saveourplanet #sustainableliving #zerowasteindonesia #indonesiazerowaste

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In terms of employment, Zero Waste even correlates with more job opportunities. Our current rate of global consumption is unsustainable. Countries have already looked towards funding more green technologies to achieve zero waste goals in many sectors. Recycling and reuse create at least nine times more jobs than landfills and incinerators, and as many as 30 times more jobs overall. By improving our national recycling rate to 75 percent by 2030, ecocycle.org states that the U.S. could create 1.1 million new jobs. Similarly, according to an article by Friends of the Earth, the E.U. could add another 560,000 new jobs by meeting its goal of recycling 70 percent of discards.

Going green can mean creating cheap and productive ways to reuse items in your house. Instead of throwing away old jars and containers, you can reuse them as a unique way to decorate your apartment or house. This is a moment for you to put your artistry skills to work and create one of a kind decorations. It is also a fun bonding activity to do with loved ones or family members; the planet will thank you later!


@tulips_and_a_toolbox lazy’s Saturday craft. Bikin hiasan bintang dari tissue, bisa juga untuk dekor acara atau rumah. Untuk gulungan rol tisu yang masih dipake. Bisa juga jadi aktivitas bareng2 sm anak di rumah. Such a simple yet nice inspiration 💚 #sustainable #buylesschoosewell #slowliving #sustainablelifestyle #normalinyuk #zerowasteid #sustainabilitystartswithyou #belajarzerowaste #choosetorefuse #dietkantongplastik #zerowastehome #zerowastelife #zerowasteliving #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastekitchen #sustainableliving #sustainablelifestyle #zerowasteindonesia #noplastic #plasticpollution #plasticfree #socialmovement #zerowastecrafts

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Understandably, committing to a completely zero waste lifestyle can be intimidating, so here are a few tricks to get started. 

1. Start With Small Changes and Progressively Get Bigger

2. Join a Facebook, Instagram Page, or Blog like Going Zero Waste devoted entirely to the lifestyle to be surrounded by a community of people also dedicated to saving the environment

3. Look for brands that have reusable packaging

4. Start buying more locally grown food as opposed to Store Bought

5. Avoid buying plastic

6. Buy reusable bottles and containers

7. Don’t become discouraged due to setbacks 

It will be difficult for many to jump into a lifestyle where minimal to no waste will be thrown away, and it will take time and practice. However, by using eco-friendly practices and making small steps towards reducing your consumption,  you can slow the effects of climate change and promote a cleaner and healthier planet. For those who live in Paris and are perhaps interested in zero waste shopping,  Negozio Leggero is one supermarket that prides itself on committing to zero-waste.




Written by Zakiyyah Job

Zakiyyah Job is an International and Comparative Politics major at the American University of Paris. She has interests in International Affairs, Public Policy, and Humans Rights Issues.