Morning Mayhem in Paris Métros

Image credit: Flickr/ThomasClaveirole
Two alternatives that will leave you significantly less stressed out in the morning.

Have you ever waited for the next metro as the one infront of you is too packed? Even worse, have you ever hopped on a metro which is so full that you can't even check the time on your phone because you are so squashed up against the person next to you. Even worse, has your metro ever been so full that you can feel the mans groins rubbing up against your backside ? Or possibly as equally traumatizing - when the metro doors open, and people inside are literally shouting out "Don't get in", "No", "There is no more room, get back out". It's not a great feeling! 

The video below was taken on the night of the Paris vs. Chelsea football match where Chelsea supporters refused this French black man from getting in the metro, physically preventing him to get on! This is an outrage and applys to a group of supporters with specific discriminatory beliefs. Obviously not as bad, but its literally the way most of us feel when the metro doors swing open and we get frustrated, angry morning looks from people who are often still rubbing the crust off their inner eyes, praying we won't be that extra person taking up the no room left in the carriage. They usually end up shrugging their shoulders, having a huff and a puff, until the next stop comes around and then it happens all over again.

There is no going against the fact that the Paris metro system is designed to perfection because you can travel across the whole of Paris in no more than 35 minutes. There are metro stops on almost every street making it practical to jump on. However, for those who are sick and tired of the daily metro struggle- why not check these suggestions out.

Below is a list of alternative means of transport to avoid peak hour mayhem:

  • Velib- an easy way is to hire these bikes sitauted all around Paris and ride your way to your destination avoiding the metro mayhem. Not only will you get to know Paris really well but you will also be getting a workout. A quick fun fact: in 30 minutes of bike riding you can burn up to 250 calories depending on your intensity. Short term tickets allow you access to the Vélib service for a week or a day. They offer unlimited journeys with the first 30 minutes free. The ticket is valid for 24 hours (€1.70) or seven consecutive days (€8). After the first 30 minutes, the rates are as follows: 1st additional half-hour: €1,  2nd additional half-hour: €2 etc.

Image credit: Flickr/mariordo59

  • Autolib- If you have a French or international drivers licence, why not follow the same system as the velib and instead pick up one of these little smart cars and drive your way to your destination. Why is it a great option? Well, in the harsh winter months of Paris you are sure to be warm. You pay NO insurance, NO gas, NO parking and NO maintenance, all you need to do is sign up online or in an autolib booth situated around Paris. You then recieve your pass and are set to go. The rest is super easy. You go to any autolib stand, scan your pass, take the car and when you want to park it, you drop it off at an autolib station and plug it back in. It feels like a legoland kind of game. In terms of prices, obviously its going to be more expensive than velib...BUT.. Get this- half an hour is 5.50 euros, 10 euros per month and 120 euros for 1 year. A yearly metro pass for a student in Paris is 330 euros approximately, so you can see the advantage or the incentive to get your licence. Seeing as though these stations are all over Paris, you will have the comfort of drivng your own car in your own space without going through the Metro Mayhem.

This is what an autolib booth looks like that you will see around Paris if you want to sign up!

Image credit: Flickr/autolib
Written by Elodie Dalgleish

21 year old AUP student in her senior year from Sydney, Australia.