GoPro Revolutionizes Military Operations

Image Credit: Grau Luminotecnia
GoPro transforms military training, filming across the globe

The GoPro camera has transformed virtual into reality. What we used to see in FPS (first-person-shooter) videogames and in movies is now reality. Militaries around the world have started using GoPro not only in their trainings but also during real operations. It can be mounted on almost anything, such as armor helmets, thanks to its mounts. GoPro technology has opened up the battlefield to the public eye. It has revolutionized, authenticated and visualized the battleground. It allows us to get into the heart of the action and feel the thrill through a real life experience. It puts you in the middle of real action.

Image Credit: Robert Luden

As a military enthusiast who started serving in the Kurdish special forces at the age of 18, I have always been very close to weapons, training and conflict zones. But I am also a gamer and have always been inspired by the idea of transforming the virtual into reality. It has never been easy to film military operations even with a normal wide shot, especially on actual battlegrounds. A few years ago, it was not possible to film military operations in FPS at all, but GoPro has made this possible. Now what seems like an excellent FPS game is actually real life footage.

Militaries around the world have started using GoPro during their trainings and operations. Its small size and light weight make it the perfect gadget, by allowing the camera to go where other cameras cannot. It shoots in HD with a wide-angle view. Governmental sales on specific online websites have now made it possible for militaries to get GoPro cameras and equipment for cheaper prices. It has now become a necessary tool for militaries, just like their weapons and shoes. 

GoPro has brought the notion of virtual reality to life which is why it has become a necessity for militaries. It has transformed the way military operations, trainings, and battles are filmed and studied. With its easily mountable and wearable equipment, it has brought a new era to FPS filming. GoPro cameras are nowadays being used by militaries around the world during their tasks and performances on the battlefield.

Image Credit: YouTube, WarLeaks - Daily Military Defense Videos & Combat Footage

When you are in the middle of an operation, you cannot have a camera operator, nor can you have one of your hands occupied by a camera; you need both of your hands controlling the weapon and your eyes focused on the target. It was almost impossible to film during real war in the past. GoPro fixed this problem with its mounts and equipment that can be mounted on almost anything from helmets to weapons, to armor jackets and tanks. It is so light and can be very well-mounted that the carrier will not even feel he is carrying it. GoPro has made it extremely easy for armies to film their actions and operations. What makes this camera different is its portability and mount-ability? It is small, light, quick and easy to use. Nothing can be more useful than this to film in FPS mode in military operations. 

Photo Credit: David Higginbotham

I interviewed a Kurdish Peshmerga online for his views on the GoPro revolution. He asked to remain anonymous and requested that only his answers to be used, no name no picture. Serving in Counter-Terrorism Units of Kurdistan requires 100 percent privacy and confidentiality. I obtained his permission to use the interview for this article. In the interview, he told me that he always wanted to see himself and his actions after the battle ends and he shared his real GoPro story.  He said, “light-weight, easily portable and mountable, I did not feel like I am carrying anything extra, that is why it did not have an impact on my actions and movements. I just mounted it on my armor helmet and started the anti-terrorism operation alongside my teammates against ISIS.”

The ability to replay footage is also highly useful.

“The good part is being able to watch what we did after the operation," he said. "It feels like a game when you watch the footage but it is not a game, nor a Hollywood movie! It is a real life experience."

Have you ever wished to experience what real war looks and feels like? Well, here is a footage of the American army using GoPro mounted on their weapon during their operations in Afghanistan in 2013:

Special forces, militaries and armies around the world are now using GoPro to film their training sessions. The clips are watched afterwards to identify what has been done wrong, what is missing/lacking and where the leakage might be.  So, it is also used as a tool to find the mistakes made on the training ground. Soldiers are trained and taught through these clips visually showing what to do and what not to do.  Here is a glimpse into Russian special forces (Spetsnaz) and air forces using GoPro in training, on and off the ground:

Counter-Terrorism Units of Kurdistan have also used GoPro during an actual operation to save hostages from ISIS in one of the Iraqi towns. The operation took place in 2015 and all of the hostages were rescued. The CT Units mounted GoPro​ on their helmet and filmed the entire operation; sounds like a video game, doesn’t it? the video was later on posted on official Facebook page of Kurdistan CT Units.  Now, the question is why would militaries film real war and conflicts?! The answer is simple: the footage can be super beneficial to learn from their mistakes for next time and to prove to the head commanders that the team has done the job in the way they were asked to do. Sharing the real battle experiences against terrorism with the world is another reason why GoPro is used; to show the world that terrorism is being defeated and eliminated everyday. 

Here is a quick video about how to use and mount GoPro on weapons:


Written by Nooh Barzani

"Don't quit.  Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion"