Comforts of Home? More Like Comforts of Hell.

Graphs, gifs, and so much more to explain how much AUP students hate Comforts of Home.

Every student who has entered, visited, or lived with AUP from 2014 on knows Comforts of Home. If you are currently living in one of the "luxury" apartments from this company in the City of Light, I can bet you're probably sitting on a Swedish piece of furniture in your “authentic Parisian apartment.” Possibly you are loving your CoH experience, but if you’re like me, or 99% of AUP students, you have wanted to demand a refund at least once. From personal experience, I know that CoH does not take too well to this kind of request, or any request. But who can blame them? I mean, have you seen their priorities?


No, but seriously, I do have to admit, it is nice coming home to my apartment after a long day. Just, every time I walk in, I can’t help but get the feeling that I’m in a furniture store.

Though CoH might not always offer the nicest apartments in the nicest areas, at least they made sure that every flat has an awesome view of the Eiffel a frame. 

Image Credit: Sabrina Aguirre

But CoH doesn’t just give you amazing unique furniture and exquisite views, they also give you the best service possible. You can always contact them if you are experiencing issues. I mean, it’s great to know that there’s always somewhere I can file my maintenance request…

Oh well, I guess that’s not entirely true. They do get in touch with you. But only if you did something “wrong” and they can make some cash from that.... then they really are easy to find.

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Like many AUP students, I am American and I feel like there’s just something about noise complaints that we Americans don't really seem to understand. I mean, come on CoH, it’s clearly my neighbor's fault, I really didn’t do anything, I swear!

Then there are those moments where you just know that you really messed something up so bad that it’s probably best to just cover your tracks, walk away, call CoH, and tell them you don't know what happened.

Everyone hates to get fined, especially by CoH. So even after nearly burning down the whole house, the most important question isn’t if someone got injured or not , it's how we can talk ourselves out of what happened.

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Yet, CoH has also taught me very good life lessons. For example: life is unfair, especially when you walk into your friend's apartment who is paying the exact same price, but lives in some sort of penthouse on the Champs-Elysées.

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And let’s not forget the notorious question “Where do you live?” and what we think about someone when they say they’re with CoH and live in the 7th.

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Wanna hear a joke? CoH roommate agreement contracts.

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Anyways, being a non-smoker, I was very happy to hear that “all Comforts of Home apartments are non-smoking ONLY”. But I think we can all agree that that isn’t 100% the case. I mean, have you met the students at AUP?

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On a side note, I'd like to take a minute to give a shout-out to whoever picked out these bad boys. Lots of effort was contributed in the IKEA sheet department

Image Credit:Sabrina Agurrie

Whether you’re a first year, transfer, or study abroad, we all know how we’re going to feel when we finally don’t have to house with Comforts of Hell anymore.

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and CoH…if you’re reading this...

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Written by Sabrina Aguirre

Senior majoring in Journalism and Global Communications