Eight of the Absolute Worst App Ideas

Image Credit: Natalie Page Gilhool
When app development goes horribly wrong.

recent study from mobile statistics indicates than an average human today spends 23 days a year on their phone, which accumulates to an average of 3.9 years of a person's life on a tiny screen. We spend so much of our time on these machines because of their ability to hold and do so much. These days, there seems to be an app from tracking your health, checking the weather, to finding a boyfriend. In a booming field with many flocking to get money, there comes a lot of good, as well as terrible ideas. There is an app for virtually anything. And with so many apps in the world, here are a few that are unique, to say the least. 

Kissing Test +

Who needs to make out with a real person when you can practice kissing your… phone? It’s up for you to decide what’s worse: the mental image or the germs you’d attract. Get rated on your "French."


Censor your foul language with this app. If you actually take the time to download this, you should probably just learn to think before you speak.

Hug Me

This one sounds like a pedophile magnet. Connect with strangers around you who need a "hug." For any user's sake, I would suggest that if you need a hug, make sure to meetup with someone in a public space.


Zips Lite

A virtual zipper on a pair of jeans. Spend your time unzipping the same pants. Bonus: you get to choose the underwear.

Virtual Stapler

For 99 cents, there’s an app that allows you to choose from 10 different staplers with realistic stapling sounds. Really, what's the point of that?


Attempting to pass as a game, you literally push the button until “something happens.” Something happens meaning whatever gets you to stop. Doesn’t take a lot of brain power. 


I’m sure there’s been a lot of damaged iPhones and possible broken bones from this one. Leap into the air or throw your phone to see how high you can get. In the wrong hands, this app is a recipe for disaster.

Fan Cooler

Don’t be fooled by the different color fans you can choose from, your phone does not become a cooling system in any way, shape or form.

Written by Natalie Gilhool