This Ten Minute Yoga Sequence Negates Your Need For Coffee

Wake up and smell the Tadasana
There are numerous health benefits to yoga, but when is the best time to do it?

According to Huffpost, exercising in the morning improves productivity, sleep, and boosts metabolism.  I know what you're thinking, " hold up, yoga isn't excersise, it's stretching"  but you're wrong.  Many yoga asanas increase the heart rate and warm your body up from the inside-out.  If you work out regularly, swapping at least one day for yoga will compliment your regime drastically. If you don't workout, start with yoga (before hitting the coffee machine) to supercharge your day. Don't believe me? Check out some of the specific benefits that each pose incorporates.  See the video below for a full 10 minute sequence, accompanied by yours truly.  

Here are the compiled yoga poses you'll see in the video and information on their benefits :

Warm up Poses:

Child's Pose (Balasana)

Because you just rolled out of bed, this pose is great to warm up your body, specifically the shoulders, hips, thighs.  It eases your brain into the sequence, and with your head supported by the ground relieves shoulder and neck pain. Be extra mindful of the breath in this pose.  Inhale and exhale comfortably and fully, with an airy "HAAAA" . Imagine your breath traveling to the back of your torse, down your spine. When you are ready, create the" HAAAA" sound again but with closed lips, breathing through your chest instead of your throat.  Push through your palms and brings your shoulders away from your ears to release tension.

Cat/Cow (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)

Now that your mind is awake, time to wake up the spine. Cow pose is done on the inhale as you drop your belly, roll your shoulders down your back and stretch the front torso.  Lifting your knees up a couple inches off the ground adds a microstretch.  Then on the exhale, round the spine like an angry cat and suck your belly in, towards your spine. Counterstretches such as this to prevent overextension.  

Thread Needle (Parsva Balasana)

This pose serves to open the upper and outer muscles of your upper chest, sending fresh blood to your shoulders, upper arms and neck.  If you have any knee, shoulder or neck injuries, double fold your mat or a soft blanket under them.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose)-High plank-Low plank-updog-Downdog

GET FAMILIAR WITH THIS POSE, as it is vital in Sun Salutations and incorporated in many modern sequences.  It is done in four steps: High Plank, Low Plank, Upward Facing dog and Downward Facing Dog.  Yoga journal runs through it in detail, which you can find here. It stabilized your core, strengthens your shoulder, arm, and leg muscles, and essentially realigns your body, much needed after all the twists.  

Fire up your core:

Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Don't try to deny it. The best way to start your day is with a nice release, and this pose is theraputic for constipation.  It stimulates your abdominal organs and stretches your spine,waist,chest and lungs. 

Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend (Parasarita Padottanasana)

This pose serves to lengthen your spine, so remember the goal is a flat back, not straight knees.  Try widening your stance to a comfortable length to straighten legs, bend your knees as much as you need to. 

Extended Side Angle Pose (Trikonasana)

Another spine stretcher, use this pose to invigorate you.  Avoid sinking into the ground with your bottom arm and use your core to lift your torso up towards the sky. This pose also works to alleviate stress and back pain.  

Warrior II

Associated with the root chakra (Muladhara) this pose is a confidence builder.  Stretching your abdominal organs, hips, grain and feet, it not only builds stamina and concentration,but develops balance and stability.  When your root chakra, balanced, you feel grounded, secure, and strong.  

Reverse Warrior (Virabhadrasana)

Strengthens the sidebody; quads, arms and neck, as well as hips and obliques.  Make sure to engage your core as you lean back, and inhale as you reach up.

Three Legged Dog

Stretches the inner and outer hip and sidebody in a gentle twist.  Serves as a nice warmup/cool down from a yoga sequence with alot of asanas that stretch the groin.

Side Plank

Tones the biceps, core, and inner thighs. Microbend elbows to prevent joint pain.  Rainbow hips up my engaging the core.  For a variation, drop onto one knee. 

Pigeon Pose

Make no mistake, this is the best pose ever!  Sometimes, when I feel extra challenged by a yoga class, I view Pigeon pose as the reward for all of my hard work.  Starting on the inhale with your right leg high, exhale your top leg to make a 7 infront of you (if you are really flexible, your shin with eventually be parallell to the front of your mat).  Inhale and walk your hands up one by one to Proud Pigeon, then exhale and melt down (like chocolate on a warm cookie) onto your forearms.  This pose is a really deep hip opener, so take it slow.  If your forearms don't comfortably touch the the mat, rest on your palms.  You shouldn't feel any tension in your knees or upper back.  

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining bound angle pose)

This pose allows you to restore, let go and rejuvinate yourself for the day ahead.  Grab your heels and press the bottoms of your feet together.  You can do a small meditation and/ or fold forward and then roll onto your back, vertebrae by vertebrae.