AUP Students Celebrate Easter With Traditions New and Old

Photo Credit: Debby Hudson/Unsplash
How AUP students are making the most of the holidays away from home.

With Easter weekend upon us, AUP students want to make the most of the upcoming holiday in Paris. 

Rebecca Middleton, a sophomore international business major at AUP, plans to create new traditions away from family. “I’m probably going to go to the service at The American church with friends,” Middleton said.

Image credit: Jacob Shropshire 


“It’s weird not to be with family on Easter since I have so many memories so I’m trying to make an effort to create new ones with friends who celebrate here in Paris.” Middleton said that this is her first Easter away from home. 

Paris is known for its abundance of beautiful cathedrals and students plan to make the most of them this Easter.  

Gaby Katz, a first-year student, is looking forward to her first Easter in Paris . “I want to try to go to the early Easter service at Sacré-Coeur since I’ve only ever gone for touristy reasons,” said Katz. “I grew up Catholic… Sunday school, communion, the whole thing. So going to a Catholic church does matter, especially on Easter.”

Image credit: Sukhi Borse 


Some students are spending the holiday with family over the short break. Jenna Brinkley, a first-year global communications student, is heading home this weekend. “My family is very religious and it’s important to me and my parents that we spend Easter together.”  Brinkley is one of many students getting away from Paris this Easter holiday.

Sunday service isn’t the only activity AUP students have planned for Easter Sunday, with some planning on continuing the celebration with brunch.

 “My friends and I are going to do an Easter Sunday potluck after church,” Middleton said. “To me, eating and celebrating with family is the other half of Easter and the part I have the best memories of.”

Whether celebrating with family or creating a community within Paris, AUP students are embracing the holiday and making the most of their upcoming days off.

Here are some church services holding Easter services in English. Visit their websites to see service times. 

Written by Lola Rock

Lola Rock is a American Journalism Major at The American University of Paris. Her primary area of interest is uncovering stories food can tell about people, communities and their heritage.