Work Friendly Coffee Shops in Paris

Image credit: Unsplash/ Austin P
My recommended cafés for AUP students looking to recharge and get to work!

When the bustle of the library and Combes Student Center becomes too overwhelming, students can find refuge in a variety of work-friendly coffee shops around Paris to get their caffeine and WiFi fix.

Traditional café culture in Paris is not necessarily conducive to productivity. Cafés have typically been spots for leisure - a place where work should be ignored for a couple of hours while you chat with a friend or watch Parisians stroll by. Although students should embrace this long-standing Paris tradition, there is always a paper that needs our attention or an internship to apply for. If you find yourself tired of the library, head to one of these coffee shops to grind through some homework while listening to the baristas grind coffee beans to later be enjoyed in your cappuccino. 


Mignon Café - 18th arrondissement 

The Montmartre neighborhood in the 18th arrondissement is often packed with tourists, but locals can be found in quiet streets tucked away from the crowds. Mignon Café is a prime spot for those who want a relaxing place to enjoy some coffee and food in the busy neighborhood. The free WiFi also makes it a great place to study for an exam or do some research for your next paper. Although they have classic brunch dishes and a variety of speciality drinks, the massive lattes might be the highlight of this quaint café. The space is inviting and begs you to stay until they close, or at least until you have had a fair sampling of the homemade cakes and pastries on display. 


Terres de Café - Multiple locations 

Terres de Café knows their coffee, and I love coming here for their quality of espresso above anything else. There are multiple locations in the city but head to the one in the 7th arrondissement right near the Eiffel tower for abundant seating and free WiFi. There is a small selection of baked goods to choose from, but the coffee is what truly shines. The founder Christophe Servill has travelled around the world in order to produce the best coffee for the company.

"By offering a 'French-style' interpretation of what coffee should be, built on the overarching principles of gastronomy, richness and knowledge of the (growers), respect for the product, detailed expertise, the freshness and flavour of the raw materials, since its creation Terres de Café has thus contributed to the emergence of a new coffee sector; one that demonstrates respect for the producers, for nature and for the consumers," described the Terres de Café website. 

With the abundance of care and dedication that Terres de Café puts into their product, hopefully, you'll be inspired to write your next paper in one of their shops. You can also purchase their coffee beans in-store or online, as you'll most likely fall in love with the aromas from your experience. 



Bleu Olive - 7th arrondissement

If you find yourself in need of a caffeine fix in between classes, treat yourself to Bleu Olive. This café doubles as a speciality food store with delicious pantry staples to liven up even the most bland meals students make during finals season. Located on Rue Grenelle in the 7th, the location is convenient for AUP students. The staff is incredibly friendly, English-speaking, and welcomes the student culture warmly. There is a wide selection of coffees, teas, and food that extends beyond baked goods. This is an ideal place to hunker down with free WiFi, comfortable chairs, and the friendly neighborhood charm of the 7th. You can also grab a coffee to go if you need the motivation to stay alert during your next study session. If you love this place as much as I do, then you might be inclined to buy a mug with their Bleu Olive branding (you might even score a free drink with purchase).


Dose - Multiple locations

Another coffee-centric brand with multiple Paris locations, Dose offers a wonderful cafe experience paired with exceptional coffee and food. The location in the Batignolles neighborhood in Northern Paris is the perfect cozy café in a quaint area, filled with locals catching up with friends or reading the paper. Enjoy your coffee and a full breakfast alongside the free Wifi, or maybe a complimentary magazine if you need a break from staring at your screen. There's even a takeout window if you need to grab something on the go. This micro-coffee roastery also encourages you to buy their speciality coffees in Nespresso-friendly capsules or grounds for your french press at home. 

Starbucks - Multiple locations

Although no one wants to admit it, Starbucks is also a wonderful place to tackle the assignment that you might have been procrastinating for days, maybe even weeks. This global chain may be the antithesis of the previous local coffee shops mentioned, but the extra fast WiFi and abundant seating are perfect for a productive afternoon. I highly recommend that you try one of the local coffee shops before you head to a Starbucks, but don't feel too guilty if you give in to the temptation of its convenience and accessibility. There are dozens of locations in Paris and a few near campus in the 7th. At the very least, pair your gingerbread latte with a croissant that you buy from the patisserie next door. 


Amex Café - 7th arrondissement, in Combes Student Center

I would be remiss if I didn't encourage students to visit the Amex Café located in the Combes Student Center. The prices are more student-friendly compared to most other cafés and the quality doesn't disappoint either. Although the Amex might be too lively for a productive study session at times, you can take your favorite caffeinated beverage of choice and enjoy it in a quieter section of the student center or on a stroll along the Seine in between classes. 

Written by Claire Moberg

Usually in DC, sometimes in Ohio, currently studying and writing in Paris.