Graduating in the Time of COVID

AUP graduation. Image Credit: AUP
Several seniors at AUP share surprisingly optimistic outlooks on their final year of school and the future beyond.

Despite the uncertain atmosphere in France, seniors at AUP are doing their best to look towards graduating with a positive perspective. There will be many obstacles: COVID-19 running rampant and high unemployment rates are just a few. However, most students have decided not to let negativity hold them back. 

"I’m optimistic. I know these things will take some time [to resolve] but I’m hoping that things will be better,” says one senior, Evan Floyd. 

Perhaps one of the biggest concerns for many graduating college students across the globe lies in finding a job. In Europe, unemployment rates have shot up to 8.1 percent as of August 2020. In the United States, unemployment rates were highest in April 2020, with estimates reaching up to 14.7 percent, skyrocketing well above any previous rates in the past 20 years. However, the world has survived worse, which may be a source of hope for those entering the job market. In Europe, the unemployment rate was as high as 12 percent in 2013, and as of September, rates have dropped to 7.9 percent in the United States. What's more, the increased number of people currently working from home proves that humans can adapt to job instability. 

Despite the unpredictability, seniors at AUP who are planning to go back to the United States remain hopeful. Floyd, who intends to return to California after graduation, says that “many people in the United States are on unemployment now, but I have time before I go back to find work."


A post shared by Evan Eugene Floyd (@_evanfloyd_) on


Other AUP seniors want to stay in Europe. Ava de Courtivron would like to remain in France for the time being, stating, "I want to stay in France, and as an American, it will be interesting to see how the country deals with the future." Caroline Dougherty also plans to stay in France and continue her education. “One of my two programs I’m applying to is Sciences Po for their English Masters in Journalism and International Affairs," she said. "There will be a lot of opportunities with that afterward either in France or elsewhere.” 


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Dougherty is not the only one planning for more school after she graduates. Elizabeth Cleveland intends to continue her education too, explaining, "I would like to go to grad school, partly because I feel our current situation would be the norm until I finish." With the cumulative confirmed cases of coronavirus shooting up to above 37 million as of Oct. 12, 2020, many students don't see the situation resolving itself anytime soon. A vaccine hasn't yet been found for COVID-19, but now that China has joined the global effort, many believe that one is on the horizon. Our seniors are willing to wait and see and are making plans with what they can.

Some students are ready and eager to go hunting in the job market as soon as they get their diplomas. While COVID-19 is still a concern, many seniors agree that whatever happens will happen, and they're sick of school anyway.  As de Courtivron explains, "I think I'm at a point where I'm ready to finish my time as a student." She is not alone in this sentiment. Floyd agrees and says, "in all honesty, I'm ready to be done. I've enjoyed my time at AUP but I'm a senior and ready to finish."

So, American University of Paris seniors seem to be doing all right. Some will continue school and others are determined to prove themselves in the working world. As Floyd puts it, "you never know what will happen in life and you just have to roll with the punches." 

Written by Emilyn Snyder

I am a Creative Writing major and so I find myself fascinated with all forms of the written world. Find me reading a book or writing a story in my spare time.