Accents—Ambra and Paolo

Image Credit: Facebook/Paolo Schoene
"I consider myself the luckiest person that I actually fell in love with somebody who can be my best friend."

Ambra Jael and Paolo Schoene, both 22-year-old students known as AUP's most adored lovebirds, made their love official when Paolo proposed to his lady. Ambra arrived at AUP Spring 2016 and met Paolo when he arrived in Fall 2016. And like any perfect relationship, they were friends, then their relationship developed to best friends before finally becoming lovers and tying the knot in Fall 2017. 

"We met Paolo's first semester, but we weren't close. Like we would say 'Hi' to each other, and sometimes we would hang out in with a group of people. Then we really got closer the second semester, in January 2017" Ambra said to me. Paolo agreed to her describing the way they met, however, he added a slight change, he said: "We were like flirty friends, we saw each other in the library, and I always knew who she was, and I always talked about her all the time, like 'who's this girl'"

"The minute I saw her I was crazy about her, and there is not a single flaw I see in her. She is mine." —Paolo 


Image Credit: Facebook/Ambra Jael

"It was last January, I really thought she wasn't going to come back to AUP and all I could think of was 'fuck, she's not here' and I was with one of my friends, and I saw her sitting in Malabar and I was like 'OK, she's mine' I was super happy to see her, we would hang out all the time in Malabar, and that's how it all started," Paolo said to me. Ambra and Paolo had a lot of differences when it came to their cultural traditions. Ambra is from a German background,  which according to her, does not encourage the public display of affection. Whereas Paolo is from Puerto Rico, and his culture is about sharing emotions, whether they were of love, madness, or passion. He doesn't care who is around, or as  Ambra said he used to tell her "If I want to kiss you, I go and kiss you, I don't care who's there." But all of the cultural differences meant nothing because these two lovers did not allow anything to get in the face of their relationship.

"The funniest story happened when meeting each others' families. Paolo met my mom pretty early on, and then he met my siblings when they visited, but he had never met my dad. And my dad is a very scary, intimidating, and serious man. When we got engaged, I told my parents over the phone, and by that time my dad barely knew Paolo, so all he said was 'I think he should put on a shirt and a tie and ask me first,' so when he finally met him, we were in Spain, and Paolo spent the whole trip shirtless wearing nothing but a tie. And it worked out perfectly, my father loved it." Ambra said. They later explained that the reason her father acted that way was that the first time he ever saw Paolo was through FaceTime and Paolo was shirtless. "I saw him and said 'Hey, what's up?' with a peace sign," Paolo said. As for Paolo's parents, they also were very supportive of their relationship and engagement that Paolo's mom wanted to give his great-great grandmother's ring to Ambra to wear as an engagement ring. 

Image Credit: Facebook/ Paolo Schoene

"I consider myself the luckiest person that I actually fell in love with somebody who can be my best friend." —Ambra

At first, the whole proposal idea was just a joke by Ali Beau Nielsen. He asked Paolo, "how about you just marry her?" but he didn't expect them to take the suggestion seriously until Paolo actually proposed shortly after. "We were eating," Ambra recalled, "then Paolo out of nowhere starting saying 'You do know I want to marry you though,' and he kept talking, saying how much he loves me and how he wishes we were already older and being able to do all the things he wants to do. At first I took it as a joke, then I started tearing up a little and I was like 'Are you asking me to marry you?' and he was like yeah, and then I started crying, I told him 'You can't fuck with me with this, it is not funny if you are joking' and he said 'no, no, no this is for real. I want to marry you,'" she said about the proposal. 

When they were both asked to describe their relationship in three words, surprisingly, they answered the same three words: Intense, Passionate, and Fun. They challenge each other in their relationship, and in return, they discover new things in each of themselves. 

Image Credit: Facebook/ Paolo Schoene


Accents is a new cross-platform series featuring interviews with AUP students, friends, and alumni.
Written by Anabel Bachour


Majoring in journalism and psychology | 

Speaker of Arabic, English, French,  y muy muy poco español. 

أنا الدمشقيُّ لو شرّحتمُ جسدي, لسـالَ منهُ عناقيـدٌ وتفـّاحُ