Top 5 Locations to Headspace

Image credit: Katie Zambrano
Are you one of the 6 million people who have downloaded Headspace? Find out the top five places to utilize the app around campus.

Meditation is said to lower stress, increase a sense of calmness and equilibrium, and promote a mindful lifestyle. With a little determination, discipline, and motivation, meditation is not a difficult task. By just setting aside a few minutes a day, anyone can partake in this clarifying and relaxing exercise. In 2010, Rich Pierson and Andy Puddicombe founded the downloadable app Headspace to promote personal well-being and mindfulness. Since its 2010 launch, the app has sky-rocketed to stardom; used in over 190 countries and translated into 12 languages, Headspace has over 6 million subscribes worldwide and is continuing to grow rapidly.

However accessible the app is, most of us lead hectic lives, so it can be hard to set aside time to practice being mindful. If you can't run home to sit cross-legged on your bed with an array of candles glowing by your side, the app is not ideal. However, there are plenty of corners around AUP perfect for a moment of relaxation and zen.

Image credit: Katie Zambrano

Before that 10AM class, arrive a few minutes early to pop behind the church at Grenelle and be transported to a space of zen. The benches are perfectly hidden just past the gate and a wall of greenery, and overlook a tiny playground that is rarely inhibited by screaming children. Take those few minutes to breathe in the fresh winter air and prepare to Headspace.

Image credit: Katie Zambrano

The (mostly) empty church courtyard right on the walk from Saint Dominique to Grenelle (Paroisse Saint-Pierre du Gros Caillou, 92, rue Saint Dominique) is another perfect spot to soothe your senses. The courtyard is accessible enough that it is of the utmost convenience, but is gently tucked away so that passers-by won't be giving you distractingly odd looks.

Image credit: Katie Zambrano

The student lounge on the fourth floor of Combes is surprisingly relaxing. The deep, comfy, bright red couches are asking to be enjoyed. So pop a squat, close your eyes, and enjoy the calm before the storm that is your next class.

Image credit: Katie Zambrano

Right after stepping off the metro at La Tour-Maubourg, you are greeted by an array of benches surrounding the centered fountain. Perfectly convenient to take a breather, especially after being stuffed into the metro car like a can of sardines.

Image credit: Katie Zambrano

Last, but not least, is the forever hushed library. Prepare for your study sesh with a few moments of guided meditation to get you relaxed and ready to ace your next exam!

Making the most of our beautiful city and this innovative app will allow for great improvement and stability in life. Hopefully these easily accessible locations will make your next meditation break a little bit easier and enjoyable!


Written by Katie Zambrano

Texas born and raised! Living in Paris since 2016, studying global communications with a focus on marketing.