ABChristmas Cheer

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An alphabetical guide to the best holiday gifs

Alcohol. There is no doubt that you will be drinking alcohol almost everyday during the holidays. How could you possibly resist the sweet smell of mulled wine (vin chaud) at the Christmas markets? And how could you possibly get through family reunions without reaching for a bottle?

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Bublé, the Christmas music man. You know it's the festive season when you start hearing Michael Bublé's songs playing at stores or at family parties. Let's be honest, is it actually Christmas if you don't hear that Santa's coming to town?

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Canes. Bring on tooth decay with Christmas sugar canes!

Image credit: Giphy

Decorations are everywhere. Streets, stores, restaurants and everywhere you walk is bubbling with baubles to get you into the spirit of the holidays! Get yourself into the holiday groove. 

Elf. Watching the 2003 Christmas classic "Elf" is almost unavoidable. Buddy takes you on his journey from Santa's workshop to spread his jingle joy throughout New York.

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Food and Christmas go hand in hand. Your calorie count goes out the window as you munch down on cookies, pies, fruitcakes, mashed potatoes, pork, turkey... the food just doesn't stop coming.

Image credit: Giphy

Grinch. Christmas is also the time for a nostalgia binge on favorite holiday movies from your childhood. The Grinch is a classic movie that should be on everyone's "Must-Watch" list during the holidays. 

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Hangovers. Due to all the alcohol you'll be drinking during the holidays, there is no avoiding hangovers. But you know what they say: "To avoid hangovers, simply don't stop drinking".

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Illuminations: on every single corner of your house because - why not?

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Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock.

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Knowing that Santa doesn't exist anymore despite all those times you could have sworn you saw him walking down your street.

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Love. Cheesy, perhaps, but Christmas is about spreading love and joy! Give a your parents a kiss on the cheek, hug your brother, bond with friends and make a stranger's day. 

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Money. Honestly, it's everybody's best Christmas present. So let's hear it: '"What do you want for Christmas?" "Money!"

Image credit: Giphy

No school or work. Christmas compensates for all the stress we've had to put up with over the year with presents, a never-ending supply of food and parties with friends and family.

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Opening presents. Opening presents is the most exhilarating part of the holiday! Let's not lie; it's probably the thing we look forward to the most. Even though you may be 20 years old, you still feel like a kid when opening up Santa's presents. Whether it's the present you wanted or not, opening presents is the best feeling ever. 

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Papa Noel. Every child's hero, the man with the presents, the big fat man in a red suit, the man who smells like cinnamon and candy canes and the one who eats all the cookies and drinks all the milk in the house and still manages to fit through the chimney. Yeah, that's him.

Image credit: Giphy

Questioning every outfit you put on. One of the biggest issues you'll have during the holiday season is knowing what to wear. There are so many places and parties to go to. If the stress gets to you, just buy yourself an ugly Christmas sweater and embrace it like Carl does.

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Reunions. Family reunions... The time when your parents inform your whole family of every single detail you were up to during the year. The time of the year where you'll get the most "So no boyfriend/girlfriend?". But it's also the time you and your cousins bond while trying to avoid family gossip or stuff yourselves with so much free home cooked food that you'll explode. 

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Spirit. When you see someone who's having a bad time so you get to share your holiday spirit and brighten their day. 

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Tree. The traditional Christmas symbol; the tree that has the most songs dedicated to it; the reason your house smells so good and why the carpet is covered with pine.

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Under the mistletoe. Kissing under the mistletoe is probably everyone's Christmas dream. Some of us have been lucky enough to do it but the most of us are still waiting our moment.

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Vowing to hit the gym once Christmas is over. But until that happens, keep enjoying the food.

​​Image credit: Giphy

Wondering where the presents are hidden. Even if you search the whole house you'll never find them.

Image credit: Giphy

Xmas is everybody's favorite holiday, let's be honest. 

Image credit: Giphy

You after Christmas is over:

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Zoning out during classes because you're still thinking about the holidays and the teacher calls you out.

Image credit: Giphy
Written by Margarita Valldejuly

Margarita has the name of a drink, the name for a pizza and also for a flower. Margarita even though the name might sound Mexican is actually a Puertorican living and studying in Paris.