Spiritual Spinning: How I Joined An Exercise Cult

Image Credit: Dynamo Instagram
The SoulCycle-inspired studio located in Paris is the sweatiest and trendiest party you've ever been to... sober.

As an American living in Paris, it is difficult to find the time and energy to work out, let alone cook a meal. I am more into "lifestyle sports" such as literally "running" to a dinner reservation that I'm late for. This time my friend encouraged that I attend a SoulCycle inspired studio in Paris called Dynamo. The studio itself has been featured in Vogue and one of their instructors, Clotilde Chaumet, has been featured in Elle and recently shot Nike's new sportswear Beautiful X Powerful collection. With such chic evidence, Dynamo charges 30€ each per 45 minute class. I was skeptical at first due to my belief that I was above the expensive trendy boutique studios, why not just work out outside for free? My friend sold the concept of cycling in the dark where no one will see you sweat (or, in my case, cry). 

However, Dynamo has rules: you must reserve online, arrive 15 minutes before class and no cell-phones in the studio. Consequently, I arrived at Dynamo located in Opéra with the worry of not fitting in due to this knowledge that attendees arrive not only on time for appointments, but 15 minutes before. C'est pas mon truc! These must be mutants. As it was my first class, it was free of charge with a complimentary Evian. The Dynamo front desk handed specific cycling shoes to fit on the bike station with a necessary serviette.

Image Credit: Dynamo

As I entered the candle lit chamber, I realized I was "lucky" enough to be assigned the seat in the front of the instructor's pedestal. While I inspected the cycling machine like a chimpanzee, a Dynamo employee spotted my confusion and set up the bike to fit my body type as well as locked my shoes into the machine. Here's a major tip: make sure you ask how to unlock your spinning shoes. It is quite ungraceful to attempt to stretch on a cycle station with locked shoes while surrounded with French girls stretching with balletic precision. Your self-esteem will thank me later.

The instructor, John, began the class with vigor with the help of  blasting electro music. Each time he shouted "à la touche" I increased the resistance on my bike (fake turned after 20 minutes). While I tried to keep with beat, the class was synchronized with the instructor. Although this is considered a "cult-y" moment, I enjoyed it! It was as if I (finally) made the cheerleading squad. Throughout the class, the instructor directed us to do dance-like pushups and pullbacks on the handlebars. As my comrades began to "feel the burn," we were not afraid to laugh at the pain we were enduring at this cardio-party. This obviously created a lively ambiance and most importantly the void of knowledge that I was drenched in sweat. Toward the end of the class the instructor blew out the candles in the studio. As I kept cycling, the dark studio allowed a moment of solitude devoted to dare I say: soul-searching!

Image Credit: Villa Schwepps 

In retrospect, I should not be too quick to judge boutique studios. Dynamo excels at keeping people motivated 100% during the class as well as getting them to come back each week. I must admit, I attended another Dynamo session at their second location on Rue la Boétie in the same week. It is fair to say I am happy to be apart of this cult and would surely invite others to join the commemoration as well!


14 Rue Saint-Augustin, 75002


70 Rue la Boétie, 75008


Written by Eliza Brown

Eliza Brown is a 21 year old student attending the American University of Paris. She is a Marketing major with a double minor in Global Communications and Environmental Science.