Paris Winter Survival Kit

Image credit: Pixabay/tpsdave
Get ready for one of Europe's coldest winters in the last century.

“European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be 'Coldest In 100 Years,'” a headline from Principia Scientific International practically screamed, almost as if it were mocking me. I’m from Southern California—I was already terrified about this thing other places call “winter.” But now I’m going to be stuck in an Ice Age. Seriously, Ice Age Now even wrote something about it.

“European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats," the German meteorologist Dominik Jung said. The 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold,” stated PCI’s website. This simply isn’t enough advice for the naive and easily-frozen expats out there like myself. Luckily, modern technology has provided a warning, so that all the displaced Californians can physically and mentally prepare for the coming freeze.

Be Wise About Your Clothing

Image credit: Pexels/Kristin Vogt

First off, if you haven’t been doing it already, layer. Keep in mind that it is vital to hide the fact that your entire body is frostbitten; you’re in a fashion capital after all. That means everything from your socks to your hat must be exceptional—most of the time. Stick to black scarves and you’ll be great, at least appearance-wise. Wear double everything: socks, pants, shirts, even scarves.

Hide Out in Cafes

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons/PRA

There are over 7,000 cafes in Paris. Pick one. Stay there for an indefinite amount of time (maybe order a coffee, though). There are many cafes designed for this specifically, with communal workspaces and free WFfi such as Cafe Craft, L’Anticafe, and Les Peres Populaires.

Find Indoor Entertainment

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons/François de Dijon

This is the perfect time to explore those museums and galleries you’ve been wanting to see. Not only are they warm oases, but it’s low-season, so you won’t be bombarded by tourists. Cinemas are also ideal; maybe even bring a blanket and be completely comfortable for a couple hours. Bookstores, music venues, and wine bars are other great options. Winter is also an amazing season to find a new hobby. If venturing into the icy chaos is too much for you, just stay in bed and continue watching Netflix.



Image credit: Wikimedia Commons/erin

Most Paris stores have biannual state-regulated sales in Summer and Winter. For Winter 2017, the dates are January 11th to February 21st. Winter clothing such as coats and boots can be expensive, but thanks to ultimate clearance sales, Paris during this time is the perfect place to be to stay warm for cheap. Here is all the information about les soldes you could need.

Paris is no doubt beautiful during the Winter, but some of us would prefer to appreciate it from the other side of a window. Stay warm!

Written by Paige Hart

Paige is a 1-year visiting student from University of San Francisco. She enjoys all aspects of the arts (which is what brought her to Paris), but specifically dance, cinema, and fashion. As a raging feminist, one can expect social issues to appear in most of her writing. A Media Studies major and Journalism minor, she is exactly where she is supposed to be.