Visit Hank for Vegan Burgers in Le Marais

Vegans will love L'Allumé Hankburger.
A leafier alternative to the bacon cheeseburgers found on every Parisian menu.

If you've found yourself on rue des Rosiers Le Marais, chances are you've also visited L'As du Fallafel, or maybe that famous falafel was the sole purpose of your visit to the area, as is likely the case for the resilient falafel-seekers in the seemingly endless queue. But if you're feeling hungry—really hungry—you might give up on the falafel and weigh your alternatives. If you're open to trying a vegetarian option, then head over to Hank.

Nestled on the corner of rue des Haudriettes and rue des Archives, Hank is off the tourist-trampled path. It's easy to miss if you don't look out for it, but you'll be glad you made the detour.

A small burger sign serves as the only signpost for this cozy all-vegan burger restaurant. Stepping inside, the little restuarant's minimalist wooden decor pops with bright yellow chairs and quirky burger-related illustrations on the walls. 

The menu is comprised of five main veggie burgers, each with a variety of toppings and sauces. One popular choice is called "Le Petit Nerveux," which uses tortilla chips as an ingredient. Each burger has an affordable price tag of €7. For €11, you can get a Hankburger, a side (fries, coleslaw salad or salad of the day...get the fries), and a beverage. Gluten-free bread is also available. 

For non-vegans, L'Allumé burger is highly recommended—a veggie burger with BBQ sauce, pickles, salad, and peppers. The BBQ sauce tastes especially non-vegan (in a good way) and it could easily trick even the most discerning meat-eater.

Vegetarians and vegans: Hank is definitely worth visiting in the Marais. Non-vegetarians: Hank is still worth visiting, if you're a little adventurous. But if the veggie-loving culture is just too much for you, then head over to le Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, ironically located across the street, for some hunting history. Or walk five minutes back to L'As and wait in line.


55 Rue des Archives

75003, Paris

Written by Alex Cohen

Alex Cohen is a Comparative Literature major with a minor in procrastination.