Paris pas Cher: Second-Hand Shopping

Free ‘P’ Star
Exploring second hand stores in Paris where you can find unique vintage clothing and treasures for without your wallet suffering.

In one of the most expensive cities in the world, sometimes it seems you can't step into a Parisian store without going broke. Yet littered throughout Paris are unassuming stores, far from the grands magasins and Avenue Montaigne, that are both cheap and cheerful. Thanks to shops such as Guerrisol, Neptune, and Free 'P' Star, you can find vintage clothes and home decor at extremely cheap prices.

You might have to dig though, and you will definitely need to wash your hands afterwards. But sometimes you have to get a little dirty to find something special at the right price. With over ten locations in Paris, Guerrisol is the city’s best second-hand shop. Prices are low, as in you can leave with an entire new outfit for less money then you spend on a cocktail. Most items ranging from two to eight euros, it is difficult to leave without a bag of new vintage gems.

via Guerrisol


As with all thrift stores, a day at Guerrisol will either yield an incredible score of vintage leather jackets, silk blouses, and perfectly threadbare tees, or you’re left empty handed- so don’t give up if the first trip isn’t successful. While there are locations in several arrondissements, the shops at Place de Clichy and Barbès-Rochechouart yield the best bargain clothing. The Guerrisol in the 12eme offers more home goods and unique decorations.

via Guerrisol


If you're willing to venture outside the Periphérique, a short metro ride away will take you to the jam-packed thrift haven/heaven of Neptune. Located in the suburb of Montreuil, this charity shop is one of the cheapest options for vintage goods. All of the items are without price tags, and the employees tend to tell you a cheaper price if you don't look too pulled together. It might be one of the only places existing in Paris that actually treats you better if you don't look too chic, or perhaps that jump into the banlieue makes people nicer.

There are two separate locations just a hop away from each other, one specializing in clothing, accessories, dish ware, and small home goods. The other offers a huge warehouse style room full of extremely affordable furniture and appliances. Furnishing a new apartment becomes significantly cheaper and infinitely more stylish with Neptune's bargain prices. Both shops are an experience even if you leave empty handed, as they are eccentrically decorated, rainbow surfboards, cellophane flowers and hanging stuffed animals included.

Not as cheap as Guerrisol and Neptune, Free 'P' Star, offers more curated second hand clothing and accessories. With three locations within walking distance in the Marais, these centrally located shops don't require you to venture as far as the aforementioned charity shops. They are a great option if you would rather pay a few extra euros in lieu of time and a bit less digging.

via Free 'P' Star


While the cheap price tags are alluring, more tempting is knowing you won't look like the army of Zara covered zombies who roam Paris. With all of these options available, you can have great personal style, an overflowing wardrobe and enough money to live off of more than canned beans.


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