A Minimalist's Guide to Holiday Shopping

Image credit: Pixabay
Follow this practical guide to shop like a minimalist this holiday season.

With the holidays around the corner, shopping season is here! It's that time of the year again where it is acceptable to shop until you drop. But isn’t the essence of the holidays to celebrate life and be thankful for your loved ones?

In a society where accumulating goods is a celebrated act, the minimalist lifestyle has gone viral amongst millennials. The founders of The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus who created a blog with around 4 million global readers, have followed this minimalist path in order to rid themselves of excessive behaviors and to find true joy out of non-material things.

For those who look for a simpler approach to living, the minimalist lifestyle claims to help people get rid of material excess in order to obtain a focused mind and a life free of dependency for possessions.

The bloggers Nicodemus and Fields Millburn explain how minimalism is not about demonizing material possessions, but instead is an invitation to think about the value we place on material things.

So if you want to ditch the consumerist lifestyle and shop like a minimalist this holiday, try these practical tips that will help you to have an uncluttered environment and mind.

Written by Stephanie Alex

Venezuelan/American living in Paris interested in cultures, traveling, art and food of course. Find her at a cafe reading some novel while having way too much coffee.