How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint in College

Image Credit: / Igor Morski
Learn some easy ways to help save our planet.

Just because we're packed with essays to write, bars to go to and naps to catch up on doesn't mean we should avoid the biggest problem we are facing today. Climate change is a solvable problem, but only if we take action now. You might think you are powerless when it comes to solving a world crisis but if each one of us apply these minor changes, we will be taking part helping our beautiful Earth.

1. Use green transport

If you're going to a place that is a mile away, walk those 15 minutes. Walking improves your mood, boosts creativity, gives you some great looking legs and doesn't emit CO2 into the environment. If you're in a rush, a bike will help you save time. If your city offers city bikes, take advantage of them. Check what bike-sharing system your city offers and start pedaling. If the place is too far away and you really need to call an Uber, be sure to order an UberGreen.

2. Use a laptop

Laptops use up to 80% less energy than desktop computers. Instead of using the desktop at the library or at work or in classrooms, use the laptops. Bring your own laptop with you if your university doesn't offer a laptop option.

3. Use reusable bottles

Buy yourself a cool reusable water bottle. The average time it takes for a plastic bottle to decompose is 450 years; some bottles may even take up 1000 years! By buying yourself a reusable water bottle, you'll be doing nature a big favor. If you don't already have a water filter in your house and are concerned about tap water quality, get a low-cost filtration pitcher.

4. Reduce your dairy and meat intake

No Meat Mondays! Animal products make up 18% of greenhouse gas emissions. By replacing one or two of your weekly meat and dairy meals to a vegetarian option, you help reduce emissions. 

5. Save water

Water is the fuel for all human activities. But, the International Food Policy Research Institution (IFPRI) found that by the year 2050, more than half of the world population will be at risk due to water stress if "business-as-usual" continues. If you're washing the plates and you want to do a quick task in between, turn off the tap. Do not leave water running if you are not using it. If you're in the shower, soak your hair, turn off the water, put on shampoo and turn the water back on again. Same goes for when you're shaving or brushing your teeth, turn the water off. It sounds minor but the contributions add up.

6. Buy local

By purchasing locally grown goods you're helping maintain farms and open spaces in your community. Compared to imported foods which have to be harvested early in order to be shipped, local foods are picked at their peak of ripeness and are richer in nutrients, not to mention you cut down on transport emissions. You can also grab a friend and go to a local farmer's market to do your weekly food shopping!

7. Avoid palm-oil products

Avoid buying palm-oil products. Companies take down or burn trees in order to create palm-oil plantations to later sell it to companies like Kraft, Burger King, and Starbucks. Palm-oil plantations lead to deforestation and animal extinction so be aware when buying palm-oil based products. 

These seven easy tips to reducing your carbon footprint are just a few of the many ways in which you can help protect the environment by making small changes in your life. It is important that each of us is aware of how our actions affect our surroundings. Our Earth has offered its home to us and the least we can do is protect it. 

Written by Margarita Valldejuly

Margarita has the name of a drink, the name for a pizza and also for a flower. Margarita even though the name might sound Mexican is actually a Puertorican living and studying in Paris.