Activities that promote self-care in Paris

Credits: Hedi Kaden/ Unsplash

As life is beginning to speed back up and Paris enters a “new normal” it’s important to pay close attention to mental health. Getting lost in work lives and daily routine is normal but as a result, self-care is crucial to maintaining a healthy balance.  Self-care is about recharging in whatever way suits you best and doesn’t always necessarily have to take the form of a break from your busy week and can equally be seen as an addition to your schedule that allows time to recharge.  

Paris offers numerous options for self-care. From creative outlets to endorphin-filled workouts that promote self-care.  Recharging your mental battery in Paris isn’t hard to do, it’s just about knowing where to look.

Get a little Messy - Happy Paint Paris

Art, in general, is a powerful tool for practicing Self-care.  And activities such as sculpting, photography, and painting can be relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can drastically lower stress levels. 

Happy Paint Paris is an interactive step- by step painting class that allows for its students to paint while drinking, what could be better? Not only does that class give its clients an opportunity to improve on their painting skills but it also allows you to let loose and have fun while doing it. 

Get Moving! - Roller Squad Institute

Exercise isn’t always thought of as a form of self-care and the thought of working out can often provoke immediate anxiety, but that’s not always how it has to be. In fact, exercise doesn’t have to be hard. It’s all about getting active.  Exercise is proven to reduce stress due to the release of endorphins from working. And don’t get alarmed, working out doesn’t always have to be intense.   Roller skating is always a fun group activity, and the upside It is that it doubles to get active and socialize with friends.

Roller Squad institute in the 13th is the perfect place to let loose and get active with friends this weekend, holding free skate on Saturday afternoons, Roller Squad Institute allows its visitors to have a fun relaxing Saturday afternoon activity to try out something new.

Hang Out with Friends - Bowling Foch

Hanging out with friends can help more mental health than most people think, and it doesn’t take either. Spending time with others directs energy outward rather than inward, helping you let out pent-up stress and allowing pent-up energy to not accumulate.

Bowling is a fun and inexpensive activity that a group of friends can do on the weekends and Bowling Foch in the 16th is the perfect place to go. For only 8 euro, customers can rent a lane and bowl their hearts out. Offering food and drinks as well, Bowling Foch is the perfect activity to pitch to friends next.

Connect to Nature – GR 2024

Connecting to nature is a naturally great form of self-care and the benefits are connected to much more than just looking at pretty scenery. Spending time in nature allows us a great way to disconnect from social media and unplug from technology ultimately lowering stress levels and bringing on a sense of calm.

GR 2024 is a 50 km loop that crosses 9 suburbs of Paris, highlighting all green spaces. The trail highlights multiple parks such as the parks of Villette (19th) along with Park Andre Citron (15th) and many more. Remember, when going out in nature don’t just look and take pictures. Smell, touch and connect with nature to get the most out of the interaction.  And if want to relax at a home that sounds more like you, great ways to bring the outside in include houseplants, noise machines, and opening your windows.

Utilize AUP – AUP Wellness Office

AUP also offers a multitude of wellness resources ranging from student-led clubs to professional health and wellness counseling. Serving a safe space. In the AUP community, the health and wellness department is a great way to begin practicing self-care.

wellness resources at AUP:

-AUP Offices:

-Peer-led student clubs:

“The Counseling Office can be found on the fourth floor of the Combes building. My colleague Pam is in C-405 and I am in C-406, and our office hours are from 9h until 17h30.”

“Wellness is what enables you to stay in good health, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I would recommend finding an activity (or activities) that works for you.  It is what will help you stay connected to yourself, your values, and your objectives and provide you with resources to make the right decisions and act on them with a clear mind.”

“You can connect with us via email, walk-in, or appointments. For appointments, it can either be online or onsite, whatever is easier for you! For more details on our services, as well as contact information, don’t hesitate to take a look at our Guidance Counseling page: Guidance Counseling | The American University of Paris ( Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we are here to help you! Our Counseling office is a safe space where you can share anything you like”

- Charlotte Vernier (AUP Health Office)

Self-care activities don’t always have to be looked at as a time to step away and slow down from life, instead, self-care can be incorporated into your daily routine as a way to disconnect, recharge and fit moments of relaxation into the busy world that is becoming the “new normal”.

Written by Lola Rock

Lola Rock is a American Journalism Major at The American University of Paris. Her primary area of interest is uncovering stories food can tell about people, communities and their heritage.