Ti Amo Venezia

Image Credit: Flikr/ Pedro Szekely
If you only had 48 hours in the city that's sinking...

Would you channel your inner Casanova? Paint like Tancredi Parmeggiani? Worship at Saint Mark's Basilica? If there is one thing to take away from this Italian city that stretches across 117 islands and has been inhabited for over 1200 years, it's that inspiration is everywhere.

Image Credit: Wordpress.com

When traveling to Venice, or Venezia in Italian, you will feel like you're stepping into a dream. Entering this mythical city in the 13th century would have been like being in the center of the universe: known for its art, music and culture. And today, a visit to Venice is a once in a lifetime experience. Unfortunately, dreams are quickly followed by awakenings. Scientists have proved that Venice is sinking at an alarming rate and will be completely underwater by the year 2100. So you better get to movin'! (Check out other cities you must see before they disappear here.)

Image Credit: Stuckincustoms.com/Trey Ratcliff

The city of Venice is connected by more than 400 bridges with almost 20 percent of them privately owned. While crossing each bridge, cross with caution! There are only four main bridges that cross the Grand Canal: the Rialto Bridge or Ponte di Rialto in Italian, the the Scalzi Bridge or Ponte degli Scalzi, the Accademia Bridge or Ponte dell'Accademia and the Calatrava Bridge or Ponte della Costituzione. Keep this in mind or you will get stuck on one side of the island for an hour, before tracing your way back and around tiny alleyways and fishy canals. If this does happen, a gelato break will be the key to calming your nerves.

Hence, transportation around Venice is easily done on foot but when that lower back starts to ache, you can take a water taxi or bus. For more information, you can check stop names, timetables and fares. 

Image Credit: Howhizz.com

Although Venice is made up of rich artistic history and picturesque moments, expats have also contributed towards the cultural and life. Peggy Guggenheim - New York socialite and heir to a glorious fortune - made herself a staple of the city on water, not including her crystal white Palazzo set on the Grand Canal. Make sure to go to the Guggenheim museum to see Surrealist and Cubist art with pieces by Dali, Kandinsky, Pollock and Picasso. 

Image Credit: In-Venice.com

After wandering around Venice for a couple hours and checking off all the sights to be seen, one might question what is local life like? Where are the people? What do they do? Most importantly, do people even live here?

Venice is the most dreamlike destination that human have ever conjured, but local life is almost nonexistent. To satisfy your need of localities and authentic food, see below. 

Here is a list of local spots to get you out of the tourist traps.

1. While on vacation it can be hard to stay healthy but with restaurant/juice bar Frulalà, you can meet your fruit and vegetable requirements for the day while also indulging in some vacation relaxation. The employees speak English and the menu offers many vegan options including smoothies, fruit salads and both warm and cold Sangria!

2. Farini is a beautiful Italian bakery with windows from floor to ceiling and a standing bar space. Enjoy their pizza without tomato/red sauce as a lunch time snack but don't forget to venture back for the Tiramisu.

3. For a pre-dinner aperitivo, go to Ancòra, a wine and cocktail bar with a terrace that overlooks the Grand Canal. They have a cocktail made with delicious fried meatballs - YES, meatballs. Be sure to try an Aperol Spritz, a Prosecco (white wine) based cocktail that Italians drink as a pre-dinner cocktail. This refreshing drink is to Venetians like a glass of rosé is to Parisians in the summertime.

Don't wait because Venice isn't waiting for you. 

Image Credit: Worldbesthostels.com

Written by Leah Levine

Born and raised in Oakland, California. Leah studied Merchandise Marketing in Los Angeles at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and is currently finishing her second degree in Paris with a focus in Global Communications. With an innate interest in fashion from childhood, she has dabbled in a myriad of fields in fashion in Los Angeles and Paris. She is a well-aware social butterfly with a passion to continuously discover.