Women's Week at AUP

Image Credit: Pixabay/bones64
Check out the events lined up for AUP's Women's Week 2018.

Following International Women's Day, AUP has planned a number of events this week to highlight the inequalities women face every day in various cultures, discuss how we can encourage and initiate change, and celebrate women's accomplishments around the world.

The week kicked off last Friday, 16 March 2018, in the evening with an open discussion about women's place in African society hosted by the Inspire Africa club. Throughout this entire week, the Diversity Club will be doing a bake sale in the Combes gallery to help women in need across Paris. There will also be a tampon drive that will contribute to the tampon donation box that will be set in place by the SGA in the near future in collaboration with Règles Élémentaires, a French organization that helps homeless women around the nation get access to free feminine hygiene products.

International Women's Day March in Los Angeles on March 5th 2017. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Molly Adams

The week was planned by Annamaria Deganutti, the Undergraduate Student Council (USC) Social Director, Gender, Sexuality, and Society Representative, Dhouha Djerbi, and the GenSex Club. Deganutti reveals her inspiration behind AUP Women's Week, "I was inspired by the #MeToo movement that gained momentum around the globe. AUP is a highly respected establishment but it still has its flaws, especially within the student body. By creating a women's week I wanted to bring awareness to open-mindedness and the issues that concern our students."

Here are the remaining events this week:

Monday, 19 March 2018

Who: Guest speaker Collectif: Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement (feminists against cyber-bullying)

What: Women in the Digital World: Between Empowerment & Cyber Violence

When: 18:30

Where: G-207

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Who: Inspire Africa & GenSex

What: Film screening of The Pearl of Africa, followed by a discussion on trans women and international LGBTQ+ rights

When: 18:30

Where: G-L22

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Who: AUP for Consent

What: Open forum, Q&A on consent, sexual assault, and support for survivors

When: 18:30

Where: C-103

Friday, 23 March 2018

Who: White Mask

What: Staged reading of The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

When: 19:00

Where: The Amex Café

Written by Elizabeth Nguyen Son

Born in Paris with Vietnamese roots, Elizabeth was raised in Italy and Singapore before coming back to attend AUP. Bilingual in French and English, she is currently studying Global Communications and International Law.