Owen Jones on the Politics of Hope

Image Credit: Nouse
An expert's opinion on how to build societies that work for the working class.

Owen Jones will be giving a lecture at AUP on the politics of hope at 6:30 pm this Tuesday, explaining how societies can be structured around the interests of the working class instead of those of the elite. Jones, a relevant and celebrated political figure, is a Guardian columnist, political commentator, and the author of Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class and The Establishment: And How They Get Away With It. Clearly, Owen Jones is someone who should be listened to, but what exactly is he talking about? According to him, the politics of hope is one that says that "injustice is temporary, transient, and can be overcome with enough determination, with enough courage, and with enough resources." What should be left at the door is what Jones calls the "politics of despair" that says injustice is a tragic yet permanent part of life that must be accepted, resigning us to the status quo. Come to room 104 in the Combes building on February 28th to learn how we can build societies that run in the interests of working people.

All audience members must register for the event here.

Speaker: Owen Jones; columnist, commentator, and author

Topic: The politics of hope: how to build societies that run in the interests of working people

Location: C-104 in the Combes building of AUP

Time: Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 6:30 pm

Written by Shuri Kyen Chungag

A Detroit-born Cameroonian-American, Shuri Kyen is a liberal, womanist, psycho activist studying at the American University of Paris. She spends most of her time on schoolwork or skillful procrastination. As a lover of arts, politics, and social justice, Shuri writes on what it means to be an active part of our world.