Next Year's Undergraduate SGA Executive Team

Image credit: Andrew Callaghan
Meet your Student Government Association Executive Team!

The SGA executive team for the Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 school year has been elected! The objective of student government at AUP is to represent the student body. Student involvement is encouraged and open forums are regularly hosted for expressing any opinions and views. Get to know your executive team!

Image credit: Andrew Callaghan


President: Andrew Callaghan

Callaghan will be serving as President during his senior year at AUP. He is a Global Communications and Entrepreneurship double major but says, "that might change into Communications with an IBA and a Fashion double minor." Callaghan has been attending AUP since his first year of university, but it wasn't always so easy. "I came in here as a first-year and I was terrified out of my mind," says Callaghan, a sentiment that I think a lot of students can relate to, "literally the first time I'd been to Paris was when I got off the plane to come here." Callaghan is from West Linn, Oregon, which is part of the Portland suburbs. Outside of SGA, Callaghan plays soccer and has a, "diverse collection of suit blazers," such as gold, silver, and holiday-themed ones. 

Since he was the Vice President this past school year, Andrew wanted to stay involved in SGA and see some projects through. One of his main goals for this coming year is to reach out to other schools, like Parsons, SciencesPo, and Sorbonne, to connect students from different universities. He says, "Most people when they come here, talk about how there's the bubble of AUP, how you don't really get to meet other students." He plans to use the role of President to work towards his goal.

Image credit: Zachary Egan


Vice President: Zachary Egan

Zachary Egan will be the Vice President. He grew up on the east coast in the U.S. in Massachusetts and New York but is originally from Lithuania. He is studying History, Law, and Society with a minor in International Law. This past school year Egan has been the Student Co-Chair of the Judiciary Committee, during which he worked closely with both the undergraduate and graduate Vice Presidents. "I got an inside look on how the executives on SGA run, especially the vice president positions," says Egan.

He sees the role of Vice President as somewhat of a bridge between the executives and senators. "I really like that aspect of the Vice President position, your hands are in all the pots, you're working on every single aspect of the senate." One of the roles of the Vice Presidency is to run the senate, and Egan looks forward to working with the senators. "Some of my plans are to help hold senators accountable and make their job more clear. People weren't always clear on what they had to do as a senator." Aside from SGA, Egan's hobbies include playing tennis, doing CrossFit, weightlifting, and hiking with his dog. 

Image credit: Elizabeth Canavan


Social Director: Elizabeth Canavan

Elizabeth Canavan is going to be the Social Director for SGA during her senior year at AUP. She is from New York and is studying International and Comparative Politics with a minor in Environmental Policy. Canavan says, "I ran for this position because I really would like the opportunity to safely build back the AUP community after over a year of solitude and online meetings." She is looking forward to planning orientation events, AUP's 60th anniversary, and a series of events for both current students and alumni.

Outside of her studies, Canavan enjoys cooking and playing with her dogs. She is also very interested in politics and the relationship between conflict and climate change. "I’ve been studying remotely from the U.S. these past two semesters so I’m really looking forward to getting back to Paris," she says.

Image credit: Linnea Wingerup


Communications Director: Linnea Wingerup

Linnea Wingerup is going to be the Communications Director for the fall of 2021. This is her third year at AUP but she is a senior who will graduate at the end of this coming fall semester. She is a Global Communications major and Fashion Studies minor. Wingerup is Swedish American and grew up mostly outside of Boston and in southern Sweden.

She wanted to run for this position because she enjoys being connected to the student body and staying involved. She says, "I do a lot of other things for school as well like interning for fashion educators conference and being a writing tutor." Her hope for this upcoming semester is to have some events that, "don't circle around the fact that we have to be cautious of COVID," as Wingerup says.

She is also looking forward to continuing the Cameo program that was set up by Abby Wright, this year's Undergraduate Communications Director. Wingerup is very interested in all things fashion. "I'm really focused on the sustainable part of fashion and reinventing how fashion education is taught in schools." She spends some of her free time thrifting, painting, and singing. 

Image credit: Marouane Noman


SGA Treasurer: Marouane Noman

 Marouane Noman will be the SGA Treasurer for next year. Noman is from Morocco, transferred here for the fall 2020 semester, and is currently a first-semester sophomore studying Computer Science. He ran for the position after a few students suggested it to him and because he wants to participate and be involved in AUP student body activities.

"My big hopes and plans for next year are to do well in both academics and make a good impact in the SGA," says Noman. Outside of school, he is passionate about sports, the outdoors, reading, and video games, "I really enjoy history and computer science."

As the semester is wrapping up we can help but get excited about what next semester may hold. The SGA team has a lot in store with the hope of the effects of COVID diminishing.

Written by Kiera Roddy

A curious student and creator. Went from living in a small town in Connecticut to Paris. My favorite hobby is asking questions that have no definite answer.