AUP Awards Season

Image Credit: Tristan Gassert/Unsplash
Did you know? It's Awards season!


The SGA awards an award ceremony that already took place this week. Jonathan Morales the student treasurer explained the event, “It’s basically an award ceremony to reward people that have worked hard in student government, leadership, the athletes, and ASM (AUP Student Media," AUP's dedicated student leaders and prolific student-athletes were able to meet, talk and enjoy the night and the award ceremony. The awards ceremony was served with free food followed by cocktails. 

Golden Plume Awards

The Golden Plume awards is a Peacock Plume-led event in which students can vote for their favorite Peacock Plume articles that were published in Spring 2019. The purpose of these Awards is to honor the individuals who have made significant contributions to AUP through the Golden Plume awards and in the SGA Awards. 

The Golden Plume awards ceremony is taking place this upcoming Friday from 7:00 until 10:30 pm at the Amex Café to celebrate the launch of the Peacock Magazine's Spring 2019 issue. All food and beverages will be provided at the event for free. The Peacock Magazine is an AUP student-run magazine celebrating the youth culture in Paris since 2011. The skillful team behind the Peacock Magazine covers a wide range of topics ranging from international news to culture and lifestyle, resulting in an international audience. 

Congratulations to all the winners!

Happy awards season everyone!


Written by Matthias Cloppenburg

Matthias is a 20 year old Franco-German living in Paris. He works as a sports reporter and creates podcasts on different issues.