Save the Date: Magazine Launch Spring 2017

Image Credit: Clara Zimmermann
The Plume is hosting its first ever cross-platform launch party for the Spring 2017 magazine on April 28—and you're invited!

This April, the Peacock presents you with its first cross-platform party celebrating the launch of the Spring 2017 magazine. The issue this semester " meant to explore the ways in which we individualize ourselves, from things like our sexual practices to our religion. These are the things that allow us to separate ourselves from society as a whole," writes editor Shalise Barnes. A carefully picked party planning committee from different sections of Peacock has organized an altogether fabulous celebration on a Friday night that you and your friends are cordially invited to attend.


"...we intend to provoke readers’ empathy and compassion for the individuals within a group. Whether you understand and condone the ways in which people explore their individualities is not relevant here, rather you are encouraged to place yourself into the shoes of “the other."

As described in the Letter from the Editor, the magazine focuses on the concept of self and other, both in Paris and abroad. "We’ve taken a peek into the lives of the gargoyles of Notre Dame, the hidden fetishes of Serge, the rabbit who warns about getting your fingers pinched on the metro, and even gotten a glimpse of what it would have been like to be inside some of history’s most famous paintings. We’ve explored the journey of an illegal immigrant from South America to France and have given a voice to men who enjoy wearing makeup," continues Barnes.

It will be a cocktail-style gathering, with free hors d'oeuvres and champagne. In addition to complimentary snacks and drinks, the editors and deputy editors of all four Peacock platforms—Travel, Online, Magazine, and Video— will be giving speeches, celebrating the accumulation of a semester's work.

It will be held from 7 to 9:30 on Friday, April 28, at the AMEX and adjoining gallery. All AUP students are welcome, and if you wish to bring an outside guest, please RSVP to Lillian Wagner at at least 48 hours before the event.


Written by Samantha Stiteler

Samantha Stiteler is a member of the Peacock Plume Online News team and is from San Francisco, but now lives between New York City and Paris. She has traveled the world but plans to see more, and she loves interior design, wandering cities by herself, and being in the ocean as much as humanly possible. She is double-majoring in International Business and Art History and plans to graduate in three years, and then rule the world.