The Model UN Helps You Improve Your Speaking and Debate Skills

Image credit: Facebook/Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN)
Debate and Politics Club at AUP provides a great opportunity to discuss current international issues.

The Model United Nations  is a mock UN that helps students learn about diplomacy, the UN, and international relations. It also helps students improve their debating and public speaking skills. Numerous MUNs are available all over the world such as Oxford International MUN, Paris International MUN, etc. If you want to know details about the MUN and the whole process, watch the video below.

What is Debate and Politics Club?

Debate and Politics Club helps students practice debating and provide opportunities to be familiar with real political and international issues. This club is organized by students and Professor Wu and Professor Kuo have joined the club as supervisors. All the members meet once a week to debate different topics.


Some members from the model UN Club. Image credit: Victoria St. John

One of the main goals of this club is to join the Model United Nations as an AUP team. The student members of the Debate and Politics Club joined the Oxford International Model UN (OxIMUN) from November 13 to November 15. Although they experienced some difficulties due to the Paris attack, all the members managed to accomplish great work throughout the event. The head-organizer of the club, Victoria St. John, received one of the Commendation awards and Toy Lagon had a special mention for her excellent work. You will need to go through the application for each Model UN. The upcoming MUNs will be Rome MUN in Spring and Paris International MUN in summer. If you are interested in joining the club contact the head-organizer Victoria St. John via email or Facebook.

Students' Voices on the Club and the OxIMUN

"The activity of the debate and politics club is one of the best experience I've had so far at AUP. The practices definitely helped me improve my debating skills and now I want to join as many MUNs as possible with other AUP students. At OxIMUN, I got to meet many people from all over the world including a person from Jordan, a country that I was representing as a delegate." -Quinn Chesser

Image credit: Facebook/Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN)

"Although we had a rough time facing the shock from the Paris attack, thanks to the issues I was dealing with for the OxIMUN, I felt like I knew the entirety of the subject or at least a lot more than most did. Through MUNs, not only you can make many international friends but also you get to meet many professors and even the actual workers from the UN. MUNs provide wide opportunities for your future career if you take the advantage of it. Although the main goal of the debate and politics club is the MUNs, we are welcoming any students who are just interested in improving their public speaking skills as well." -Victoria St. John

If you want to become familiar with international issues and become more confident in public speaking, join the debate and politics club!

Written by Yuri Jong