5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche

Image credit :Facebook.com/events/560801850748054/
“No men, no meat, all manners.” A play that immensly immerses, interacts and entertains.

AUP's thespian White Mask Club is staging a play called 5 Lesbian Eating a Quiche. Surely, just by reading the title’s play, you’re expecting strange, bizarre and hilarious. Eleanor Dickinson and her exceptional cast deliver just that. After sitting in on one of their dress rehearsals, I can confidently say that 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche is like nothing I’ve seen before. It’s safe to assume that anyone who enjoys witty tongue in cheek humor will also find this hilarious dark comedy a refreshing midterm delight.

Image credit: Maysan Nasser

I auditioned to be in the play at the end of the last semester. Slightly disappointed when I didn’t get chosen, I asked myself why? Any subtle blame I harbored dissipated when the rehearsal started. Not only do the actors feel so comfortable in their roles, the kind of easiness that immerses you immediately in the play, but they feel perfectly casted. "This is why!" I thought as I watched Eryn, Kate, Bri, Alfredo and Marina with a jaw half open and a chuckle at the tip of my throat. At times, I glanced apologetically at Eleanor because of my roaring laughter, in fear that it would distract the actors. But the actors didn’t even flinch, and for a moment I forgot that I was the only one watching. When they asked a question to the audience, I waited a few seconds, dumbfounded and expecting for a response from around me. 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche interacts, immerses and entertains.

Image credit: Maysan Nasser 

“Wow guys, that was just so… ” was all I could say when the rehearsal was interrupted at 9:30. I could tell from the empathizing looks on the actors’ faces that my response was as open ended as it sounded. Truth is, between you and I, you too will probably be at a joyous loss of words after you watch the play on Friday.

Image credit: Maysan Nasser 

Great, so you’re sold. My attempts to word the warmth and hilarity of the play have translated well, and now you want me to stop rambling so you could note down the where and when.


Friday, February 12 at 6:30 PM and Wednesday, February 17 at 6:30 PM


Amex Café, AUP, 6 rue Colonel Combes



Image credit: Maysan Nasser 

Image credit: Maysan Nasser 

A play with the lines like: "Lorraine breeds turtles, are you a lesbian Lorraine?"and "the egg is as close to the lord Jesus as we can get” is one not to be missed.

Written by Maysan Nasser

Maysan is a Psychology major and Theater minor at AUP who has a hard time writing about herself in third person. She likes coffee, literature, movies, and cigarettes. She often stares into the void, but rarely does the void stare back.