Dec 18th, 2019, 10:20 AM

How To Live An Eco-Friendly Life

By Husam Ibrahim
New Years: The Perfect Excuse to Give Yourself a Fresh Eco-Friendly Reboot

Are you into New Years resolutions? Yes? That's great! No? Well it doesn't matter either way because we can all start living a more sustainable life. So, here are some small things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint: 

  1. Lower your heater for 8 hours a day by 2-3 degrees Celsius to decrease your electric bill by 10% a year and also help reduces your carbon footprint.
  2. Get yourself thermostat and get rid of the plastic bottles. It can help you in drinking more water. 
  3. Try eating less meat. Raising animals for food requires a lot of resources and it creates a lot more pollution too. The variety would be good for your health as a poor diet kills more people annually than smoking. (But like also don't smoke)
  4. Buy a pressure cooker, it will reduce your cooking time and it consumes 70% less energy. 
  5. Use the transport strike as a excuse and buy a second-hand bicycle. Travel through Paris out in the open instead being trapped in between random people who stand unnecessarily close to you and stare at the same time. Seriously why do people on the metro here stare so much???
  6. If you don't already, have at least two trash bags, one that's for recycling and one that's not. Every building in Paris has a recyclable bin so it's really simple to do.
  7. It's cold and it's going to get colder so head on to the thrift stores and buy yourself some layers. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of all annual global carbon emissions, which is more than all international flights and water transport combined. 
  8. Spout out random tips and facts on how to live more sustainably to your friends, lets get more people on the bandwagon!