Feb 7th, 2017, 04:23 PM

International Student Soirée Highlights

By Manuela Diago
Image Credit: AUP Student Government Association
Two hundred and fifty students gathered for a night of delicacies, conversation, and of course the bubbly!

This past Friday evening, students from thirty-one different schools in Paris gathered for what was a very successful event on our campus. The hors d'oeuvres balanced perfectly with the endless sipping of champagne which led to the fabulously intriguing conversation among students from the American University of Paris and those who ventured into our little Anglophone bubble. It was a fantastic mix of cultures that was brought to the soirée. 

Image Credit: AUP SGA

People poured in a bit late, around 7:30 pm, which goes to show that being fabulously late is a trait we all pride ourselves in having. Nearly all the students seemed to have a great time and enjoyed being able to interact with students from other universities. Obviously, selfies were not in short supply that evening and Snapchats were going up all over the place because if you did not snap it, then did you even go?

Image Credit: AUP SGA

The night also gave students the opportunity to dress up real fancy because, let's face it, first impressions count and they count even more when you are mingling with a Parisienne crowd. The students cleaned up quite nicely and threw on those suit and ties plus killed the game with some heels and short dresses. And though there was a lack of outstanding colors which would have brought a colorful vibe to the atmosphere, it reminded us that we live in Paris and black goes wonderfully with black. 

Image Credit: AUP SGA

Overall, the American University of Paris hosted a fantastic evening with no shortage of stimulating conversation, food, or alcohol. Special thanks to the Student Government Association—we are looking forward to next year! 

Check out more photos of the event at the SGA Facebook page! All photos were used with permission from the Social Director of AUP.