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Reparations Now
Democratic primary candidates are talking about reparations, invigorating the centuries long fight for what is owed to the American descendants of slavery - More
The N Word, In Case You've Heard
The purpose and the power - More
The Color Line, a tribute paid to African-Americans
Quai Branly museum presents a must-see exhibition on the history of African-American artists and segregation. - More
Invisible in Academia: Black Discourse
Has the absence of black discourse in academic settings contributed to a lack of understanding of blackness? - More
Bernie Sanders Won the MSNBC Democratic Forum
Last Friday night the three remaining presidential candidates met in South Carolina to speak with host Rachel Maddow one-on-one. Here's what happened. - More
The Power Struggle of #AllLivesMatter
Viola Davis' "historic" victory at the Emmys has sparked a hashtag debate about race and opportunity