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Humans of AUP: Susan Perry
"The one thing I want students to take away from my class, regardless of whether they end up in law, is empathy for other humans." - More
Is Good Morality Good Enough?
Romanticizing development and international aid organizations hurts us all in the end.
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A Hashtag for TV Crime Series: #CultureSoWhite
In the age of #BlackLivesMatter and #OscarsSoWhite, the role of the victim in popular TV crime show culture seems to remain reserved solely for the young white girl. - More
Tourist Attractions Come at High Cost for Animals
A new study ranks wildlife tourist attractions around the world based on how they treat their animals and whether they help save species. - More
On the Front Lines of Animal Activism
Daniela Moreno was in London earlier this month to protest the slaughter of dolphins in Japan.