Put Your Butt in the Trash or Pay in Cash

Image credit: Flickr/Wojtek Mejor "Filth and Lure"
Paris is taking cigarette butt pollution seriously by handing out €68 fines.

Effective October 1st, 2015 Parisian police officers will be handing out €68 fines to anyone caught throwing their cigarette butts on the ground. Paris has launched a city wide initiative against cigarette butt pollution and littering with increased fines as the lynchpin of the new efforts. What was once a €35 fine will now be €68 and officers will not take no for an answer.  

In the last year over 30,000 new litter bins with cigarette extinguishers have been installed and this past summer officials handed out 15,000 free pocket ashtrays.

Around 350 tons of cigarette butts are discarded in the Paris streets every year. If you want to have your tobacco fix and keep your hard earned money, then put your trash in the bin and not on the ground.

An anti-litter poster in Paris says "Do the right thing. Respect Paris."

Written by Skylar Smiley

Living and thinking outside of the box. 

Deputy Editor of the Plume - Fall 2015

Editor in Chief of the Plume - Spring 2016 

Follow me on Instagram: @SkylarSmiley