The Pessimist Guide to the Trump Administration

Image Credit: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
A guide to how Trump and his Administration has been making America great again since inauguration.

Twenty-sixteen was not our year, Donald J. Trump, The Apprentice guy and horrible businessman, was actually elected president! Now 2017 isn't looking as good either. First of all, we have to say goodbye to the best POTUS and Vice-POTUS duo we've ever had, and on top of that Trump is making a mess back home with his big bad executive orders and mean girls squad.  So here is a pessimist guide to some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Since taking office Trump has signed a total of 23 executive order, ranging from climate and clean energy to the Opioid Crisis in the States

To keep updated check them out here, it seems that the list just keeps going. 

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America and Democrats applaud.

Trump's announcement of Neil Gorsuch's nomination took no one by surprise. With conservative views to match Scalia's and diploma's from the top Ivy league schools, his nomination just made sense. However, what doesn't make sense is how Gorsuch was confirmed under the Democrats watch when Republican's did whatever they did to block Obama's nominees.  Did his dodgy and creepy-charm filled confirmation hearing on March 20, 2017 really win him a seat? More important questions, what are the Democrats doing and what does a conservative court mean for a changing America? 

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Shealah Craighead

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Ted Eytan

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Not much of a surprise, Trump fails to repeal Obamacare and his own voters hate him now too! 

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration began  the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people criticized and fought against  the repeal. Across the nation, moderate Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have gave their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement made its way through households and doom loomed over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage. Even Paul Ryan doesn't want to take the blame for this failed bill, even though he's responsible for it. 

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But to turn that frown upside-down, it's also important to mention that Trumpcare has failed, for now. Of course, the Trump Administration hates regular, hard-working American's so they will probably try to push for another repeal, but for now let's bask in the glory of their failure. 

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Pete Souza

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, and Trump denies other Departments exist. 

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

We haven't even mentioned his proposed budget cuts to programs like PBS, Americrops, and Meals-on-Wheels in order to fund the Department of Defense and build his ridiculous wall.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered in this article is merely the first few days of his Presidency. So much has happened since then including further revelations in Russian ties, Kushner's rise to fame, and the bombings in Syria. With a government under Trump and under Republican rule it's important to keep a close eye on them and understand the effects of what they're doing. 

It's no doubt that the next four years are going to be crazy, and hell it just seems like it's easier to give up. But don't, instead fight back and resist.

Donate to organizations like Meals-On-Wheels, Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, the Trevor Project, the Karam Foundation, and so much more! You don't have to just donate either, you can volunteer with organizations at AUP like Baytna-A-Vous, AUP Green, AUP Cares,  Unicef Campus, and Roots and Shoots

Last but not least, don't believe every news outlet or what they say at face value. Always dig a little deeper than what they're telling you and fact check. Hell, fact check me! I'm sure there was something I got wrong. Just don't fall into alternative facts. 

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

The Obama Administration will be dearly missed. Obama’s lame turkey jokes on Thanksgiving, Joe Biden’s totally relatable obsession with soft serve ice cream, and all the good things Obama’s administration has done to give Americans what they really needed - Obamacare (R.I.P. 2010—2017). But now we must reluctantly look to the future of our (never great) country, and have hope that it doesn't collapse under the Trump Administration. 

Since day one, news outlets have been churning out "alternative facts" on Trump, he is the President after all. But because he's Trump and he likes publicity there's just been so much and it's hard to keep up! Here are just some of the Trump-Administration-antics that should worry you.

American news outlets lie about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd, much like they did with his hands!

Only a day into his Presidency and the Trump Administration showed us what foundations they're built on — Alternative Facts! Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration in history, however, released photo’s of Obama’s inauguration and Trump inauguration shows otherwise as Obama’s inauguration crowd covered most of the ground while Trump’s inauguration image showed a much smaller crowd. In the name of alternative facts, the media also failed to point out that the white masses in Trump’s inauguration pictures were of the KKK in their hoods.

To add on to the humiliation of the Trump Administration of alternative facts, the Women’s March showed Trump what a 1.5 million crowd looked like as women, men, seniors, and children took to the streets in dozens of countries to protest against the Trump Administration. How nasty of them.

After “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump creates executive orders to send nudes and show off Pokémon card collection.

If “grab ‘em by the puss,” doesn’t make you hate Trump then here are other reasons. Just days after the inauguration, Trump sat behind his big bad desk and began signing away executive orders one after the other as white men lined up behind him smiling.

Image Credit: Imgur

Trump, in the Month of January, has signed seven executive orders, including:

  1. An order to begin repealing Obamacare which will affect millions of people in the United States who depend on government aid to help them pay for ridiculously expensive health treatments and medication so that they may live.

  2. Speed up infrastructure constructions including the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL which will damage the environment it is built around and take away the Native Americans clean source of water as well as endanger the climate and animals living in the area.

  3. Build a wall between Mexico and America further ruining America’s foreign relationship with Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto refused to meet with Trump after the order was signed.

  4. Threatens “Sanctuary Sates” (states that welcome immigrants and refugees) by withholding federal grants. To which states such as California are fighting back by refusing to let state resources to be used to detain, interrogate, or investigate refugees and immigrants.

  5. The Muslim Ban. This order reduced how many refugees are permitted to enter the States, suspend U.S. Refugee Admissions Program(USRAP), suspended the entry of eight Muslim country citizens. This was met with large protest and legal challenges to be extended later.

  6. An ethics agreement that no doubt his goons will break. This ethics agreement is also a filtered version of Obama’s. The biggest changes are allowing lobbyists to work in government pertaining to their previous jobs. Although they can’t directly work with issues they were lobbying for, but don’t forget this presidency is run by trump.

  7. Last but not least, agencies must repeal two regulations for every new regulation they administer in order to keep cost down. My tip to Trump, maybe not build a wall and reduce military expenses instead of increasing it to save some money.

Trump Administration replaces Scalia with an old white male to highlight the diversity of white men in America.

What a breath of fresh air this nomination has been. It’s been years since the Supreme Court has seen a white conservative male.

In the stye of reality T.V., Trump has been hinting at which white conservative he would choose to replace Scalia’s seat. The nominees all so different and diverse made it difficult for Trump to choose who he though would be the best nominee. But, Tuesday, eight/seven central, after Beverly Hills 90210, Trump finally revealed that Neil Gorsuch was his choice.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gorsuch who went to Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Oxford is the ideal choice for the supreme court, and as a replacement for Scalia as they have had the same privileges given to them, however, Gorsuch’s gay friends give him just that hint of diversity America really needs.

Gorsuch confirmation hearing is set for March 20, 2017, and there is a good chance he will be approved.

Trump feels the country is in danger from Muslim’s he’s not doing business with.

Noted earlier, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning eight Muslim country citizens (including: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) from entering the United States, which not only targeted ‘illegal’ immigrants but legal immigrants who held visas, green cards, and citizenships. So much for the 14th Amendment.

The Muslim Ban was met with large criticism, the backlash from the American people drew protest larger than Trump’s inauguration crowd. It was also challenged by lawmakers all over the country stating it was unconstitutional. 

Image Credit: Flickr/Alisdare Hickson

The Trump Administration quickly began to work on a new ban because they are racist and xenophobic. Only a few changes were made to the original like language to make them seem less racist, Iraq was dropped from the list of countries along with Syria, although Syrian refugees still face a 120-day suspension, and implementation will be slower. Visa and Permanent Resident card holders won’t be affected.

The newly revised Travel ban has already been blocked by Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson and other Judges from all over the country before it could be put into effect. This is another large setback for the Trump Administration, but another win for decent human beings!

Mike Pence wants Winnie the Pooh dead, approves Betsy DeVos so school children can do it for him.

Much like all of our hopes and dreams under the Trump administration, Winnie the Pooh is endangered of being exterminated as Mike Pence made the tie-breaker vote in favor for DaVos’s nominee for Secretary of Education. If you haven’t already heard, and sorry to break the news to you, DeVos is unqualified for this position. So much so that news outlets are measuring how unqualified she really is.

To give you an idea, she has never attended or has sent her children to public school. Betsy DeVos as never even worked in a public school or ran a public school district. When Bernie Sander’s grilled her on the stand along with other senates, she couldn’t even answer yes or no questions properly about her own family — she couldn’t even do her homework. To make it worst, her vision for public schools is so outdated, she proposed guns in school to protect children from grizzly bears. This isn’t 1875 anymore Betsy, you’ve got to move on!

Trump breaks Obama’s golfing record in just 24 day’s while Micheal Flynn gets in trouble for asking Putin to draw him like one of his French girls.

Making America great again sure is hard work! Donald and Melania spent time with the Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe, and his wife at Mar-a-Lago in order for Trump to practice his back swing (oh the hypocrisy). All was quiet on the Twitter front as Trump took a break from gracing us all with meme-able tweets.

Micheal Flynn, on the other hand, took center stage as it was revealed he was in contact with Russian Ambassador in D.C., Sergey Kisylak, while Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats as they tried to influence the U.S. elections in Trump’s favor. It’s not illegal to talk to Russians, but discussing government information, such as the sanctions, could possibly be found to be a Federal crime. What further complicates the situation is that Flynn lied about what they discussed, saying that the sanction was never mentioned, however, this was later found out to be a lie as Flynn revoked his earlier statements. Flynn since then has resigned but it leaves us to question, were the elections hacked and can the Trump Administration be trusted?

Netanyahu all smiles as he meets with Trump, realizes Trump’s a bottom.

If you haven’t seen the video of Trump and Netanyahu’s (Isreal’s PM) press conference, I highly suggest you do. For one, Donald Trump is in it, and he's quiet comical. Second, Netanyahu's reactions to what Trump is saying are morbidly hilarious

The two leader’s met to specifically discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that multiple presidents have tried to find a solution to but every term fails to do so. However, Trump supposedly had a brilliant idea that no other President ever thought of. Actually, the solution was right in the problem. Duh! How could we not see?

President Trump stated that he liked whatever solution Israel and Palestine liked best. Either it was one state, or two states, or two states, just whichever one they like best.

Brilliant right? No one ever thought of that one and throughout his whole spiel of one state or two states, we can see Netanyahu’s face change from horrified to confused to a realization that he can basically push over Trump to do whatever he pleased.

Trump continues to focus his energy on golfing, tanning and deporting (GTD). Getting major things done!

Trump, a man of many goals such as becoming the most hated man in history has worked out a blueprint for deporting illegal immigrants in the United states. After failing to get the Muslim Ban to stick, he now has federal resources targeting illegal immigrants. The plan allows federal authorities to target any immigrant who has committed any crime, including getting speeding tickets. Trump also plans to limit asylum claims, expand the type of immigrants they want to deport, and continue to detain immigrants. They will also tighten border security.

Donald tells Melania she can’t use whatever bathroom she wants.

As if Trump couldn’t get any worse, he decided to further target children (the first act was nominating Betsy DeVos) by restricting Trans kids from using which ever bathroom made them feel most comfortable. Protest against Trump withdrawal of Trans protection has already garnered mass protest, but there might be something else the LGBTQ community and allies should worry about.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A case concerning a transgender teenager in Virginia, Gavin Grimm, is heading to the Supreme Court in late March, just after Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. This could have a negative impact on the transgender community if Gorsuch is approved, and I don’t think Gorsuch’s "gay friend" will be able to help.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says aliens removed parts of his memories as he can’t recall meetings with Russia.

And another one. Attorney General Jeff Session’s revealed to have been in contact with the Russians during the 2016 elections. Sessions has decided to remove himself from the investigations as demands for his resignation mounts up after caught lying under oath. Meetings were held with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same person Michael Flynn met with. Was this a coincidence? I think not, and Trump doesn’t think so either as he posted on twitter a picture on twitter of Senate minority leader enjoying a donut with Vladimir Putin. The Senator from New York backfired saying he would gladly discuss the picture under oath, to which the Trump Administration had nothing to say.

It's been further gathered that it was not just Sessions or Flynn who has met with Russian official Kislyak. Other members of Trump's circle has met with the Ambassador during. Will this be the downfall of the Trump Administration finally removing them from our lives? Let's hope so.

Melanie Trump tells hospital patients to puff-puff-pass as Obamacare is set to be repealed.

Craziness in D.C. continues.

The Trump Administration has begun the process of repealing Obamacare in hopes of replacing it with Trumpcare. But as with anything the Trump administration does, people have begun criticizing and fighting the repeal. Across the nation, some Republicans, Democrats, Trump voters, health professionals, and Anti-Trump citizens have given their two cents on the issue as details of the replacement makes its way through households and doom looms over anyone who's in danger of losing health coverage.

Secretary of Press Sean Spicer during a press conference highlighted the major differences between Obamacare and Trump care: it’s less to read than Obamacare, gives millions of tax cuts to the rich, takes away health coverage to 24 million people (specifically the sick—but you know why would they need health coverage?) according to CBO reports, and defunds Planned Parenthood who use government funding to reimburse clients from their cancer screenings and not on abortions.

But really none of that matters apparently because what’s important is natures gift, according to Melania Trump. #legalizeweed2k17.

What a chameleon, Donald J. Trump, President by day, conspiracy theorist by night.

If you heard a collective gasp on February 28, it probably wasn’t the fact that people realized February ended on the 28, but the fact that Donald J. Trump finally acted Presidential. If that doesn’t sound ridiculous enough, public figures, news host, and journalist actually reported on the fact he acted Presidential. The U.S. President, aka the most powerful man in the world, acted Presidential. I can’t stress the absurdity of this enough.

However, as people finally got over about this fact, people started to realize that his speech to congress, full of beautiful promises, actually had zero plan of action. So much for being Presidential.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If that wasn’t enough, Trump also put his Administration and Congress in a pickle as he accused the greatest president America ever had, Barack Obama, for wiretapping him and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign. In Trump’s style, no evidence of proof was offered to back his claims.

Trump’s administration has been refusing to comment on the tweet including Vice President Pence who has been trying to avoid questions about Trump's accusations.

EPA head, Scott Pruitt, denies Carbon Monoxide as the cause of Global Warming, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson strap on their boxing gloves.

Scott Pruitt continues the Trump Administration’s push for alternative facts as he stated he doesn’t believe that carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming despite what scientist all over the world has been reporting.

Pruitt and the rest of the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and global warming could destroy what progress the United Sates has made during the Obama Administration leaving us, the younger generation, to deal with the increasing problem of irreversible environmental damage.

What to expect from for the next four years.

What I've covered is merely a starting point for anyone who wants to take action against what Trump and his administration has been up to.

There's no doubt that we are all doomed for the next four even eight years if people don't get their act together, and I see little hope. If Trump's first 50 days are any indication of what's to come I wish I wasn't around to witness it. Unfortunately, I am around and his action now will affect not only myself, but friends, family, and future generations so it's important for us to act as one to go against this rotting tangerine.

If you can spare some time, consider volunteering at organizations, protesting, calling your congressmen, and trying to be heard on Capitol Hill as it's drowned by cash. Other ways to go against the Trump administration is donating. As you might be aware of, certain organization are in danger of being defunded but are critical for communities who rely on them. A good way to support them is by donating or spreading the information. Every dollar counts!

Spreading your knowledge on the issues in real life and social media are also great ways to combat the Trump Administration. Create conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. The more the people know about the Trump Administration the more they can be held accountable.

Written by Darla Centeno

Darla is a Junior at the American University of Paris studying Management and Politics. She is a mildly seasoned traveler, lover of deep dish pizzas, cheesy 90's romantic comedies, and a meme enthusiast.