Illustrated Interview with Marine de Rolland

Image Credit: Marine de Rolland
Stylist and illustrator Marine de Rolland artfully answers the Plume's questions.

It was late at night when illustrator and stylist Marine de Rolland sketched her answers on the sofa of her apartment in the 15th arrondissement in Paris. It felt like an art studio. Papers, as well as watercolors and pencils, were spread all over the floor. "Like usual," she laughed. She had just come back from Zadig et Voltaire where she is currently working as an assistant stylist. Before I started asking questions, we had some tea and talked about her studies at the Atelier Chardon Savard — she graduated in 2014 — Disney movies and boys, bien sûr.

Who is your childhood hero?


Baby Simba.

What are you afraid of?

Falling into the void.

What is your secret vice?

I am a kissing addict.

What do you wear every single day?

Rings on all fingers.

What inspires you?

Culture and tradition.

Do you have a pet?


Where would you love to be right now?

In a bath.

Tea with lemon or milk?


What is the sexiest piece of clothing you have?

A body.

For more of Marine's work, check it out her Tumblr and Instagram.

Written by Mia Windisch-Graetz

Global Communications graduate student from Vienna. Thus, having a thing for any kind of art, coffee and Sigmund Freud.