A Trip to Le CurlShop

Image Credit: Nofi.
One journalist's adventures in finding curly hair care prodcuts in Paris.

While the natural hair movement has definitely made its presence known in retail stores across the U.S., it hasn't made the same impact in the City of Lights quite yet. Though there are many black women and men around Paris who do not relax their hair or wear braids, Parisian "naturals" and hairdressers alike are for the most part unaware of how to maintain their 'fros. Because of this, many "naturals" here face the problem of finding the right products to keep their hair looking fresh and feeling healthy.

Although neighborhoods like Strasbourg Saint-Denis, Château Rouge and Château d'Eau all have shops that cater to my hair care needs, I often find myself avoiding these areas. In an attempt to lure customers, hair salon workers immediately seek out and follow girls who sport their natural hair, coaxing to “fix” it for them. It's a bit jarring and while you eventually grow used to it, it remains exhausting nonetheless.

In search of an alternative, I took to the internet to see if there were any salons or specialty stores that would provide me with the products I needed. I came across an online site called Le CurlShop, which also has a small boutique located in the 13th arrondissement near Place d'Italie. I knew going to the shop would be quite the trek, but with their inventory being far more expansive and less expensive than all of the stores I had visited in the past, I was determined to at least give it a try.

An illustration on the door of Le CurlShop. Image Credit: Le CurlShop.

Le CurlShop is located on the corner of rue Bourgon and is so small that you could easily miss it if you weren't paying attention. On the door are three illustrations of women with different textures of curls. Inside there were rows of cardboard boxes lining the floor, making it difficult to walk around. Perhaps on my visit the shop was undergoing renovations or had just gotten a new delivery.

For the traditional browser or window-shopper, Le CurlShop is not your ideal shopping destination. Whereas most hair care stores are lined with shelves that allow you to independently pick up products and see prices, at Le CurlShop you approach the counter to ask for specific items. This kind of shopping experience is not convenient for those with any degree of uncertainty about what they intend to purchase.

Inside Le CurlShop. Image Credit: Le Journal d'Indyz.

Speaking with the clerks could also be an awkward experience if your French is not up to par. Fortunately, my French is at the level where I could communicate what I was looking for – the Curls Blueberry Bliss Control Jelly. 

Despite its shortcomings I was greatly impressed by the shop’s inventory, which is identical to what’s offered online. Le CurlShop carries major brands like Curls and Kinky Curly, which are near impossible to find elsewhere in Paris. It's not uncommon to see products that are a mere $8 in the U.S. being sold here for 20, but Le CurlShop offers prices on par with other "American stores" in Paris, with the best product selection I've seen in the three years I've lived here.

So would I visit Le CurlShop again? Despite the inconvenient setup, if I ever find myself at wit's end trying to find a product and refuse to buy it online, I'll definitely go back.

Le CurlShop

9 rue Bourgon, 75013, Paris

Elizabeth is a born-and-raised New Yorker who has been trying to masquerade herself as a Parisian for the past two years. In her spare time she enjoys reading, drawing, and "loafing around". She's been blogging for the past year on and off.