"Pissed Off" Plane Passenger Takes Things Too Far

Image credit: Pexels/gratisography
Screaming babies, kicking kids, chatty Kathy's... and now this?

Everyone has been angry at someone else on an airplane at least once. Sitting still for hours on end next to total strangers is a daring thing to do. Whether you have to endure the stench of the person next to you or bite your tongue as the five year-old keeps kicking your chair, at least we can all say one thing: we've never been peed on.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. Last Tuesday, flight ML2673 on its way to Paris from the Algerian Capital of Algiers was diverted to Lyon when a shirtless man sparked a "massive brawl." Crew members were forced to pin him down after he peed on a fellow passenger halfway through the 90-minute journey. What sparked such raging lunacy? Well, it was nothing the pee-victim could control. Allegedly, the currently-anonymous perpetrator became furious after hearing the disappointing news that he would not be able to drink or smoke for the duration of the flight. Seeing as this stunt caused legal complications, it may be longer than 90-minutes before this impatient passenger gets another drink.

Both men involved in the brawl were escorted off the plane by authorities in Lyon and the remaining 166 passengers aboard the Air Mediterranee arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport three hours later than scheduled.

Written by Jenna Nellis

Coffee-addicted, panda-obsessed, aerial-artist from Nevada in the US of A. Jenna is a Communication Studies and English Writing double major visiting AUP from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. She grew up dancing, is one of five kids, and almost definitely has thalassophobia. As long as original novels, Australian Shepherds, and avocados are in the future, life is good.