The (Alcohol) Drought is Over at AUP's Amex

Image credit: Gabriela Milene Wilson
New liquor licensing at the Amex will affect everyone.

As you have most likely heard, the cops pulled the liquor license from our beloved Amex a few weeks ago. This was because of some complaints from nasty neighbors, and an incident in the spring when the cops came because people were climbing on the roof of the Combes building (seriously?).

It has opened this week with new regulations. Here's what’s new:

1. Alcohol is no longer allowed out on the terrace. Drinks must be had inside the bar.

2. The Amex cannot serve alcohol without food, so from now on you will be served a bowl of chips with your drink.

I want YOU! to follow the rules. Image Credit: Gabriela Milene Wilson

The police have been in to check to be sure that these regulations are being followed, so don't try to be an anti-authoritarian and bring your pints outside. You might feel cool but you're risking having les flics permanently take away the Amex's liquor license and never being able to drink on campus again.

So please be sure to follow the new rules, for the sake of everyone's livers.

Written by Shalise Barnes

Shalise is the Editor in Chief of Peacock Magazine, having previously served as Editor in Chief of Peacock Plume online news site. She is a Canadian/German student who lives in Paris with her two cats. She enjoys doing yoga, making art, and reading.