Affordable Fitness Options in Paris

Yoga in the Tuileries gardens
Spend a little and keep fit in the city of gourmet temptations.

How can you burn off the pastries that mouth-watering bakeries in Paris tempt you with?

The French are notorious for not being very sporty, and with a tight budget it’s not easy to keep fit especially during the harsh months of winter.

Besides the big industrial gyms where you have to sign ridiculous contracts for a years worth of membership, Paris has some cheap, if not free, hidden workout spots that don't require any contracts.

Below are a few of my favorite places to keep fit in Paris at a low price.

Affordable Fitness and Yoga :

This is a fitness school that offers a variety of fitness activities from Vinyasa Yoga to HipHop, Zumba and Dynamic gym or boxing. Classes range from five to eight euros for an hour and a half workout. What makes this place great? You can sign up for a single class or a monthly pack online. My favorite classes are summer yoga, which are held in beautiful outdoor places like the Tuileries Garden.

Yoga on the docks of Cité de la Mode :

Every Sunday at Gare D'austerlitz there are free yoga classes from 12-1pm so just show up with your mat! Spots get taken up really quickly, so get in early for a guaranteed spot. 


Buttes Chaumont Park:

If you are into Qi Gong and Tai Chi but can't cough up the cash to go to a stylish studio go here instead. Every day from 9-10am, an instructor gives free lessons to the general public.  For those of you who don't know what Tai Chi is, it is a self-defense practice that originated in China. This mind and body exercise integrates slow gentle movement, breathing and a variety of cognitive components, including focused attention, imagery and multi-tasking. Give it a try especially during exam periods.


Now there is really no excuse to not start your fitness journey in Paris!





Written by Elodie Dalgleish

21 year old AUP student in her senior year from Sydney, Australia.