Eiffel Tower Goes Pink to Support Breast Cancer Awareness

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Sponsor Estee Lauder also awarded the Pink Ribbon photo prizes.

On Monday, September 28, 2015, at 8:20 PM, the Eiffel Tower turned pink for Octobre Rose, an annual Paris event in support of breast cancer. It was launched 23 years ago by Estee Lauder to "bring awareness to breast cancer by getting people to talk about it." The Breast Cancer: Let's Talk! association also invited 300 women on a "walk of fame," to set their handprints in pink clay under the Eiffel Tower.

Image credit: Cancer du Sein

The illumination was made possible by SETE (Société d Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel), Mayor Anne Hidalgo and the City of Paris. Along with the stunning site of the iconic tower in pink, the annual les Prix Ruban Rose (Pink Ribbon Photo award) was awarded, with the grand prize going to Henri Guittet (below) for his photo of a 24-year-old breast cancer survivor and her one-year-old daughter. View the 40 finalists  and winners of the 2015 Pink Ribbon Photo Award.


Image credit: Henri Guittet
Written by Victoria Nianci Lyu