On the fifth episode we welcome Kat with "The Breakdown," during which she will bring us this week's top articles from Peacock Plume. Stay tuned for "Outside The Bubble," a show hosted by Isabel and Savannah, during which they dig up stories from their Parisian lives before AUP. To finish the night, we have Joe Chafetz again, one of our fabulous in-house musicians.

Want to listen live ? We are on air every weeknight from 9 pm to 10 pm. on your desktop... check out the new RADIO tab on Peacock Plume ! on the go... download the WRP app. Interested in being on the radio ? Contact us: asm_radio@aup.edu

Written by Isabel Guigui

Isabel wanders through life with little agenda aside from her aspirations to mosh and voyage as often as possible.