Veganism Making Its Way To Our Campus

AUP's Vegan Club. Image Credit: Kayla Lopez
Following the increasing veganism trend, AUP now has a vegan club.

Veganism has become an increasing trend in recent years.  In the past, the word “vegan” was not something that was often heard. Today, the word is being tossed around left and right as people become more comfortable.

With celebrities and influencers being more public and open about their veganism, people are inspired and motivated to make more conscious decisions about what they are putting into their body, occasionally leading to a plant-based diet.  Celebrities that have publicized being vegan include Miley Cyrus, Natalie Portman, and Jason Mraz to name a few. Having so many well-known people advocating for veganism may have influenced this growing vegan culture in our world today.


According to the GlobalData in an article by Forbes, veganism has grown from 1 to 6% between 2014 and 2017.  And an even greater number of people have gained an interest in plant-based foods although they do not consider themselves vegan or vegetarian.  Clearly, veganism has somewhat become the new “norm” as more people decide to hop on the bandwagon.

This semester, a brand new Vegan Club has been created by sophomore, Chloe Lyons, who hopes to be able to “give people an outlet for new vegan information.”  Her inspiration for creating the club came from wanting to create more vegan awareness on campus and, of course, to be able to share and eat delicious vegan recipes with other like-minded people.  

To be in the club, you don’t have to be vegan or even vegetarian for that matter. Some of the students, including myself, that went to the first club meeting are simply interested and curious about the idea of veganism. Having this open space to be able to talk and learn more about this fascinating topic can help educate students about this plant-based diet.

Chloe’s motivation to become vegan happened only seven months ago after watching two documentaries about veganism that caused her to transition overnight.  She explains that she wanted to finally “match my actions and my diet to what I believed was the best for my health, the environment, and my ethical beliefs.”

The vegan club has not yet established a set day and time that they will be meeting but for more information on this club, do not hesitate to contact Chloe Lyons directly.


Written by Kayla Lopez

Kayla is Ecuadorian and Puerto Rican from New Jersey. She is a junior at The American University of Paris majoring in International Business Administration.  Her areas of interest include Lifestyle, Food, and Travel.