A World of Cuisine

Image Credit: Auteur inconnu - éditeur : H. Chipault, concessionnaire à Boulogne-sur-Seine (France). / Wikimedia Commons
Here is what to expect at the upcoming World's Fair.

This Friday, the 19th of April, AUP will be celebrating international culture at the school through the culinary event of the World's Fair. From 18:30-21:00 on the first floor of Combes, there will be a multitude of tables representing cultures from all corners of the globe. With celebrating diversity at AUP being a core value, this culinary extension of diversity will be a fantastic opportunity to not only take part in the cultures of fellow students at the university but also to eat great food, prepared by fellow students.

One of the tables will be representing the Philippines, staffed by AUP students Lauren Domagas and Chiara Amor. When asked if she was excited for the World's Fair, Lauren said, "I love the prep for the World's Fair the most because most of the time, I'm not in touch with my heritage, so to cook and eat and share stories with my fellow Filipinos is a really touching part for me."

One of the dishes they will be serving is lumpia, a savory snack similar to spring rolls filled with either meat or veggies, with this version being vegetarian. In Lauren's words on why they chose lumpia, she said, "Honestly we weren't about to make lumpia because we wanted to focus on Filipino desserts this year. But I really love lumpia, because it is an iconic Filipino dish and a lot of people were asking about it. So in the end, we decided to make it!" The Filipino table won't just have food. Similar to last year, the Philippines' table will try to have a karaoke machine, depending on if they can rent one.

Photo of World's Fair Poster, Image Credit: Jackson Vann

The Philippines will be just one of the many different tables representing global food represented at AUP. Other tables will include food from India to Romania to Burkina Faso, just to name a few. Come check out this incredible, food-filled event. The event organizer, Liv Jenkins, has high hopes for this year's World's Fair. saying that this event is not just to celebrate food, but also the place where AUP students are from, with a "'we are from' wall, where students can write their city or hometown on a sticky note and post it on a map of the world." This event will be a true "visualization [of diversity] at AUP."

Another country that will be represented will be Romania by Anis Anghel. She said, "I am excited to cook Romanian food for the AUP community because I think the food says a lot about my culture and I will have the opportunity to share with other students who have never tried Romanian food before. The flavors are intense, unique, and uncommon in French cuisine." When asked about which dish she is most excited about, she said, "Mămăligă and sarmale, the first being polenta with cheese and cream and the second cabbage rolls filled with minced meat and rice." Be sure to check out the Romanian table.

Tables will also be serving drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, with some sources saying that the Canadian-spiked peppermint hot chocolate will be something to keep an eye out for. 

There will be a total of 16 countries represented at the fair. The complete list includes Greece, the Philippines, the United States, Ukraine, Pakistan, the Nordic Countries, Senegal, Ecuador, Burkina Faso, Romania, India, Canada, Australia, China, Morocco, and France. 

The World Fair will use a ticket based system, with the minimum amount amount of tickets a guest is required to buy being five euros, though guests can buy more. Each ticket will correspond to one euro and can be used to purchase food and drinks, with prices and portion sizes varying from table to table. Prices will be posted on each table. 

Guests will also to sign up ahead of time using this link: https://my.aup.edu/payment/event-2019-wf. Guests will also be asked to validate ID, and if a guest from outside AUP will be coming, an AUP student can enter their name during their own submission. 

Written by Jackson Vann

Raised in Washington D.C. and currently living in Paris. Majoring in International Comparative Politics and History, Law, and Society and minoring in Computer Science. Amateur foodie.