The AUP Graduation Gala 2019

Image Credit: Fernando Fidel/Unsplash
Everything you need to know for the biggest party of the year.

The graduation Gala is around the corner, and the senior class can't wait to party and relax after four years of hard work. 

This year the Gala is going to take place at Cercle de l’ Union Interalliée on May 27. Guests will be able to enjoy a nice dinner followed by a party to celebrate the end of their studies at The American University of Paris. The organizer of the event is Jacqueline Wegwerth, the Senior representative of the SGA who is also graduating this May. With the help of Nicole Curren, they are making all the decisions related to the food, the music, and the atmosphere. 

According to Jacqueline, the gala is going to have a beautiful,  classical atmosphere because of the traditional 18th century French interior of the 8eme arrondissement "Maison". The dinner is going to have both meat and vegetarian options. After the dinner, there is going to be an open bar for everyone that joins the party, with amazing music for everyone to dance to. The organizing team invites everyone to join in and celebrate the departing seniors. 

"I think that it would be a great opportunity to celebrate, connect with people before they leave, and spend some last moments with their classmates", said Jackie Wegwerth. 

Image Credits: Jacek Dylag/Unsplash

The seats for the dinner are limited, but tickets for the party are available for everyone. You can get the tickets on the AUP website and pay the same way that you pay the tuition. The party will go on until 4AM, so be ready for a great, long evening.

Dress Code: cocktail attire for ladies and jacket and tie for gents.

Ticket prices:

Graduating students Party + Dinner 50€

Graduating students Dinner 50€

Graduating students 0€

Guests Party + Dinner 140€

Guests Dinner 110€

Guests Party 50€

Written by Lorenza Aranda

Lorenza is an aspiring Mexican journalist, living in Paris, who wants to shed light on important matters, especially for young people around the world that are losing their interest on what happens in their country and their community. She has a passion for art, culture, history, travel, and Paris. She is a proud Mexican who wants to go back to her country after learning and having all the tools to help make a change in it, especially through fighting corruption and impunity.  She is curious about all matters and wants to learn something new every day.