Neon is Taking Over Street Style

Gilets jaunes graffiti on Rue Saint Dominique. Image credit: Jacqueline Wegwerth
The future of fashion is bright.

The City of Light's style is overwhelmingly dark. Parisian streets are lined with people sporting a simple pair of Adidas and a gradient of blacks and grays. Until now, that is. A new trend has surfaced where select Parisians are testing the limits of the dull fashions of Paris. They've adopted a bizarre fashion rule along the lines of no white after Labor Day, where Saturdays are the agreed-upon day to dress a little brighter. When they do, they make the look count. Certain Parisians have been taking the trend to new heights and testing the limits of what is possible with a yellow vest. 


Fashion enthusiast by Fontaine du Palmier. Image credit: Jacqueline Wegwerth

It's not quite the beret that Paris is familiar with, but hats are a new way the French are adopting this trend. Here, this fashion icon is taking a bold approach to the neon look by brilliantly echoing the shade with an accessory.  J'adore.

Head to Toe

Trendsetter in Place de la République. Image credit: Jacqueline Wegwerth

This fashionista literally takes the trend from head to toe. While shoes are usually chosen thoughtfully, it's rare to see such consideration go into the laces. The accent ties the look together. 


Beauty guru adapting the trend to a new hairstyle at Place de la République. Image credit: Jacqueline Wegwerth

Beauty gurus are always quick to react to new trends, and neon is no exception. This particular fashion-savvy Parisian brilliantly coordinates the vest with the band with the hair. Blondes have fun, but neon yellows have a riot. 


Experimenting with patterns on Boulevard Saint-Germain. Image credit: Jacqueline Wegwerth

Just because neon is loud doesn't mean it has to be the only expressive part of the outfit. This Parisian experiments with patterns under the neon. The bold approach with two accent pieces is a sure way to stand out in a bright crowd. 

Power in Numbers

Yellow vest trend being adopted by younger crowds. Image credit: Jacqueline Wegwerth

The best part of this trend is its versatility and ability to adapt to every generation. It's available in multiple sizes, allowing it to easily make its way into closets everywhere.

The next time your rue is temporarily blocked off for an impromptu Saturday fashion show, allow yourself to partake in the trend. 

Written by Jacqueline Wegwerth

Running my mouth is my main source of cardio.