Magazine Launch Party Preview

Image Credit: Peacock Plume/Facebook
Come dance underneath the stars!

The launch party for the 15th edition of Peacock Magazine is this Friday, at Combes. The magazine class has been working hard during the semester to present this new issue. The topic for this semester is power. There are 19 pieces in the magazine, 18 articles, and 1 photo essay, "You can expect a lot of exciting and thought-provoking pieces about how power exists in different aspects of life," said Jackie, the editor in chief of the magazine.

According to her, power is a hard concept to highlight in just one image, so the cover went through many rounds of pitching, "A lot of minds in the class helped shape the idea of the cover, I can't give credit to just one person," she said. 

"Even when it isn't the writer's personal story, I think the magazine highlights so many incredible voices and stories through those interviewed in the process that it's a really engaging read."

According to Jackie, in this issue, a lot of the pieces resonated with the writers, "I think this magazine is special because of how personal the pieces are to each of the writers," she said. "When considering the theme of power, a lot of them reflected on how that applied to their daily lives," she added. 

This topic is important, being that it comes at a time of millennials using social media for social movements, in which power has a big part to play, "Even when it isn't the writer's personal story, I think the magazine highlights so many incredible voices and stories through those interviewed in the process that it's a really engaging read. This magazine stands out because we tried to broaden our reach of who can get involved with the book," she said. 

This semester's magazine took new initiatives like bringing on board an ASM board member freelance editor who wrote a piece and a photo essay, "We also took initiatives to try and open the opportunity for more illustrators and photographers around AUP to showcase their work," she said. 

This magazine is going to be printed on recycled paper, which has been done, but not in a while, it is something that we are hoping keeps happening in the future. 

The launch party for the magazine will be this Friday, April 27 at Combes in c-102 and 103 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. There are going to be copies of the magazine, food, drinks and a great atmosphere to party as we dance underneath the stars!

Written by Lorenza Aranda

Lorenza is an aspiring Mexican journalist, living in Paris, who wants to shed light on important matters, especially for young people around the world that are losing their interest on what happens in their country and their community. She has a passion for art, culture, history, travel, and Paris. She is a proud Mexican who wants to go back to her country after learning and having all the tools to help make a change in it, especially through fighting corruption and impunity.  She is curious about all matters and wants to learn something new every day.