Can The Arts Remain Relevant in the Digital Age?

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Evgeny Atamanenko
No technology can replace the feeling of sitting in the theater or finishing an incredible book.

We are living in a digital revolution. Every part of our lives is more and more integrated with technology.

In a digital world, is there still a place for the arts? Will future generations hold on to traditions that have existed for centuries — going to the theater, reading printed books — or will they slowly fade away and be replaced by a screen?

As a child, I had the opportunity to train at the Ohio Dance Theater. Ballet taught me discipline, responsibility and poise. It gave me an appreciation for classical music. I remember sleepovers with my childhood best friends, watching Phantom of the Opera over and over again. One summer, I took out a library card at three different libraries so I could get every book I wanted to read.

Today, my old ballet school has closed. Children were not taking lessons like they used to. Sleepovers are now filled with friends making Musical.lys or going “Live” on Instagram. It is hard enough to get kids to read books for school, let alone for fun.

The older I get, I find myself doing less of the things I once loved. Is it because I no longer have enough time? Or is it that I'm spending my time on something else? In a world revolving around instant gratification, it seems we no longer have the patience to enjoy the arts. 

Image Credit: Shutterstock/VerveridisVasilis

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the arts are “painting, sculpture, music, theater, literature, etc., considered a group of activities done by people with skill and imagination”. I would add to that definition that the arts can be performed or observed. One can be an artist, musician, performer, or writer. Or one can enjoy going to museums, concerts, shows or be an avid reader. The lucky ones are those who are both. Our society used to be built around the arts; they were an a part of everyday life. Today, that space is filled with technology. Can we have both?

Let's look at two examples: classical music and literature. How much is our current youth engaged with these two arts as opposed to previous generations? Can we predict future patterns? 

Before Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, the only way people could listen to music was in performance. Classical music dominated. In 1919 shortly after World War I, radio stations first started playing music. The first music played on air was classical. It wasn’t until the 1920s and 1930s that other forms of music were available on air. Now let's look at today. A survey conducted in 2012 found that only 3.9% of teenagers prefer classical music to other genres. The average classical music album only sells 300 copies per year.

One theory for this lack of interest is that classical music is “boring” to teenagers. They live in a fast-paced world and want their music fast. It is easier to listen to a three-minute song than an hour long symphony. As sad as it is, the consumption of classical music will only keep decreasing among youth. We can only hope that some young people will remain fans and keep classical music alive.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/RobinStewart

Before the advent of electronic media, one of the main ways people entertained themselves was by reading. But our technological era of computers and smartphones has dramatically impacted the amount of time we spend reading. A study found that 43 percent of teenagers say they like to read for fun, but only 24 percent actually pick up a book regularly. These same teens have time to spend nine hours a day on online media though.

I believe our instant gratification culture plays a part in this. The attention spans of teenagers are getting so short that it's becoming harder for books to compete with all the other entertainment options out there. Hollywood can take any book and make the movie version of it, after all.

That being said, I think movie adaptations can cause a surge in reading when the movies are done well. A good movie makes you want to know more and the book always has more details. Even though reading for fun has decreased, books can never disappear. They are changing though. E-books and audio books are becoming increasingly more available. I think literature is one part of the arts that is adapting to new technology, as it must.

Image Credit: KyryloKireiev

While the rise in technology is partially to blame for the lack of interest youth are showing in the arts, it is not the only reason. Parenting styles have also adapted with the times. Mothers are now working and do not have time to run their kids to dance or music lessons. It has become a norm to stick your child in front of the TV when you need their attention occupied instead of giving them a book. Children imitate what they see and what they know. If an appreciation for the arts is not instilled at a young age, it can be harder for them to show interest when they become older. 

Literature can be regulated in some smaller areas. If there are no theaters in your city, how can you see a live show or develop a love for it? Living in Paris on the other hand, youth can enjoy many of the arts for free until they are 26. Museums are everywhere and they can get free admission. The Paris Opera offers €10 tickets to youth as an initiative to get them involved with the arts. It is a completely different culture and mindset here regarding the appreciation and involvement everyone has.

So where does that leave us? Will the arts survive technology? Let's hope so. In the meantime, we are lucky to have cities like Paris or New York that will always keep them alive. The arts may not be for everyone, but that doesn’t mean the choice to enjoy them should be taken away. Enjoy what you have while you can and know that there will always be someone else out there admiring it just like you. No technology can replace the feeling of sitting in a theater or finishing an incredible book.

Written by Nicolette Jordan

After realizing she wanted more than Ohio could offer, Nicolette decided to move to Paris. Currently studying Global Communications as a Masters student at AUP, Nicolette hopes to stay abroad as long as possible. In her free time she likes to discover new music, drink wine & explore Paris.